LIVERMORE FALLS — At the Sunday, Feb. 25 First Baptist Church of Livermore Falls service, Pastor Russ Thayer and his wife, Carol, were in the Sanctuary greeting parishioners as they entered for the morning service.

It was wonderful to see many return after being absent with illness and other problems. Kay Watson opened the Service as she greeted all and read a few Announcements. She led us as we sang two Praise Songs: “O Lord, My Rock”, and “The battle Belongs To the Lord”. Pastor .Russ gave the Call to Worship as he read from Psalm144, Verses 1 & 2.

Our first Hymn was “Glorify Thy Name” followed by the Junior Sermon, “The Secret Box”. Then, it was time for “Happy Time” (the Offering). Keyboards: Maggie Houlihan and Margaret Emery played “I’d Rather Have Jesus”. The Worship Team provided special music as they sang a rousing version of “Over My Head” as the congregation sang along, clapped their hands, and tapped their toes!

Pastor Russ introduced his Sermon as he read scripture from the Book of John, Chapter 17, Verses 1 – 5.The sermon was titled “Jesus Prays – For Himself”. If you take the time to think about prayer and its use, you must think about what prayer can do for you.

We pray for friends and relatives who may be celebrating an achievement or have an illness. We pray for many reasons, for others as well as ourselves, but do we stop to think how often we feel those prayers have been answered.

Pastor Russ tells us that we need to establish a relationship with God, and prayer is a way to talk with Him daily. As we spend time with God, listening for Him to answer our prayers, we will realize He does answer those prayers. The answers may or may not come to us immediately, and they may or may not be the answers we expected.


Jesus knew God had put Him on earth for a specific purpose. He did not wish to die, but He understood why God had sent Him here. His purpose on earth was to spread God’s message of love and hope to all humanity, to save us and relieve us from the burden of our sins.

Jesus understood God’s plan for His life. God has plans for our lives, also. Each one of us has a specific reason to be on this earth. God knows the reason and He will help you understand that reason if you will spend time with Him.

When God feels we have fulfilled our reason for living here, He will call us home to live with Him for eternity. The Service ended as we sang our last hymn, “To God Be the Glory”, followed by the benediction and the benediction hymn, “Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name”.


1. Food Cupboard: In March we will collect canned spaghetti sauce.

2. Adult Sunday School meets at 9:30 a.m. every Sunday morning.


3. Wednesday Bible Study meets at 10 a.m . at Kay Watson’s home, 22 Old Jay Hill Road in Jay.

4. Pastor Russ continues a study of the movie, “The Choses”, every Tuesday evening at 6 p.m., in the Parsonage.

5. Baptism Classes started today and will continue each Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. until baptism.

6. The next Soap ‘n More Store will open on Saturday, March 23 from 9 a.m. to noon. A free meal will be served from 11 a.m. to noon.

7. There will be no Hymnsing in March because of the Easter weekend.

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