CARTHAGE — Carthage Bicentennial Committee is holding the Bake and Home goods on Tuesday, March 5 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to raise money for the Carthage Bicentennial in 2026. The sale will feature pies, cakes, cookies, whoopie pies, pickles, maple syrup and more at the Carthage Town Office. Questions call Cindy at 207-418-8313 or email
CHESTERVILLE — There will be a Bake Sale on Friday, March 15, to coincide with the Chesterville town election at 409 Dutch Gap Road. It will begin at 1 p.m., and continue until the food runs out. This event is sponsored by the North Chesterville Extension Homemakers and will benefit the town. FMI 778-3156
FAYETTE—Starling Hall’s Annual Online Auction is our largest fundraiser of the year! Bidding starts March 1, 2024. We are thankful to receive so many donations of valuable items for us to auction off. And we are so proud of the multiple local vendors who have donated to the auction! The auction website is:
Please visit the site often and check for added items. All proceeds from this auction are being dedicated to Starling Hall renovations. Starling Hall is the oldest building in Maine known to be built to function specifically as a grange hall. First constructed in 1878 with a dedication ceremony on March 8, 1879, the original structure was enlarged to its present dimensions of 32 feet by 65 feet in 1891. Our goal is to bring the structure into compliance with today’s code required for the building to be fully used as a public facility. Much work has been done but much more is needed.
Please bid high and often on these quality items. Auction Ends April 12th 6am. We will have over 100 items up for Auction. Auction items can be picked up on Saturday April 13 from 7:30 a.m. -12 p.m. at our Breakfast and Bake Sale or call Lori at 207/576-9830. Visit our Facebook page here
CHESTERVILLE — There will be an Easter Egg Hunt at the Chesterville Town Hall at 409 Dutch Gap Road on Sunday, March 24 starting at 2 p.m. The Easter Bunny will be in attendance and parents may take pictures. There will be activities for the children and Easter eggs to collect. FMI 778-3156
JAY — Frank L. Mitchell VFW Post 3335 in Jay will be down for repairs due to damage from the December storm. The post will be closed from Feb. 26 to March 21. Reopening on March 22 the menu will be, Crab cakes, fish chowder and dessert. All meals served at 5 p.m., $12. Call by Thursday to reserve your meal. Thank you all for your support and patience, we couldn’t do it without you.
READFIELD — Readfield Historical Society (RHS) will meet Saturday, March 16, from 1-3 p.m., Gile Hall, 8 Old Kents Hill Rd. for its annual meeting, followed by a program. Peter Pettingill will speak regarding his research on the unsolved August 1905 murder of Mattie Hackett in Readfield. Pettingill is the author of the historical novel The Murder of Mattie Hackett. The Readfield Historical Society, 759 Main Street, Readfield is open by appointment only until Memorial Day weekend 2024. Questions about Readfield history or to request an appointment: Email or phone (207)377-2299
LIVERMORE FALLS — Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings are held on Thursdays, 6 to 7 p.m., at the First Baptist Church of Livermore Falls, 25 Church St. Livermore Falls.
LIVERMORE FALLS — There will be an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting every Monday evening from 6 to 7 p.m. at the First Baptist Church, 25 Church St., Livermore Falls.
LIVERMORE — There will be an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting every Friday evening at the North Livermore Baptist Church, located at. Doors open around 6 p.m. and the meeting starts at 7 p.m.
Tax help
CARRABASSETT VALLEY — Once again, AARP Tax Aide volunteers will be available by appointment on Wednesdays, from Feb. 21 to April 12 to do your taxes in the Begin Family Community Room at the Carrabassett Valley Public Library & Community Center! Taxes are prepared and electronically filed by IRS-certified Volunteer Tax preparers. To make an appointment for free income tax preparation for Federal and State Returns call (978) 500-4329.
Memorial Day
JAY-LIVERMORE FALLS — There will be organizational meetings to establish a Memorial Day Parade 2024 in Jay – Livermore Falls. The meetings are open to any and all interested people who would like to be part of the working committee. the next one is 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 12. The Memorial Day Committee meets at the American Legion George Bunten Post 10, located at 17 Reynolds Ave, Livermore Falls. Anyone interested in attending meetings to discuss this year’s parade is encouraged to call Ron Morin 207-650-3090. The Memorial Day Parade Committee for Livermore, Livermore Falls and Jay is hoping to have our older Veterans, 90 and older, ride in this years parade in classics convertibles, representing their branch of service. We have a list of possibilities, some of who have been asked. There will be volunteers to aid those Veterans who need help.
The following is our list. If you are interested please call Janice at 897-2122, so that we will be able to provide cars for all who participate. This years parade is May 27th. Line up will be at MEMCO at 9 am with the parade starting at 10. We are hoping to have Hammy Allen as our Grand Marshall, he is our oldest Veteran.. If your name is not on the following list please feel free to call and we will add your name. Thank you all for your service. Hammy Allen, Gil Barnaby, Norm Bilodeau, Bill Coleman, Danny Corcoran, George Doiron, Romeo Langelier, Al Landry, Arthur Landry, Bill Mitchell , Harold Pomerleau, Clifford Thompson, George Walsh,
FARMINGTON — Trinity United Methodist Church will be serving Fish Chowder Lunches every Thursday at 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. The next lunch will be Feb. 29. The lunches will be held until March 28. The lunch includes fish chowder, crackers, pickles, freshly made biscuits, and cookies. These lunches are free. We do accept donations to help with costs for the ingredients to make this available to everyone. Just drive up to the front door of Trinity church and someone will bring your meals to you. For more information, please contact Trinity United Methodist Church, Debbie Farley, 207-778-3921, or email:
FARMINGTON — Old South First Congregational Church, 235 Main Street in Farmington, will serve its monthly free community lunch on Saturday, March 16 at 12 noon. Eat-in and take-out available. For local delivery: call ahead at 778-0424. Choose the “community lunch” option.
FARMINGTON — The Essentials Closet is a new ministry at Old South Church in Farmington. It offers personal care products free of charge to people of low income in the greater Farmington area. Every month,the Essentials Closet is open on the second Monday from 10 a.m. to noon and the fourth Wednesday from 2-4 p.m.
In March that will be Monday, 3/11/24 (10 noon) and Thursday 3/27/24 (2-4 p.m.) The ministry is located in the basement of the church at 235 Main Street. Enter the building through the door off the parking lot at the corner of Main and Depot Streets. Follow the signs down the short flight of stairs and it will be straight ahead of you. For questions, please call Shelley at 207 639-2013.
FARMINGTON — Monthly Music Jam – (second Friday of every month) – Music Jam Night, March 8, at Farmington Baptist Church, 194 Whittier Rd, Farmington, from 6-8 p.m. downstairs in the Fellowship Hall. Come and listen to a wide variety of music from local talented musicians. This event is free and open to the public. Light snacks provided. FMI 207-779-0731.
FARMINGTON — Farmington Grange#12 offers The Wednesday Workers and Warm Up, WWW will meet on the first and third (March 6 & March 20) Wednesday of each month. The Farmington Grange Hall at 124 Bridge Street will be open for soup and social time. Folks are invited to bring something to share, or just come to socialize. Games and puzzles are available as well as a small library stocked by literacy volunteers. If someone would like to learn how to knit, crochet or sew, etc., they can get help. Everyone is welcome. For more information, call Bonnie at 778-1416.
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