100 Years Ago: 1924

This year visiting day at Skowhegan High School will be Wednesday, March 5th. School will be in session from 3:30 to 9 pm with 5 to 6 for lunch. This change is made so that all citizens who are unable to visit the school during the regular session may come. The usual dailly program will be carried out. The classes are being well taught under the direction of Principal Harry A. Foster and experienced assistants.

50 Years Ago: 1974

When the WLU Book Revue Club meets Thursday afternoon members will  be taken on a travel  trip entitled “A Tour of Christian Lands.”

With commentary, slides and special music, Mrs. Catherine B. Whitten will tell of her travels in Israel, Athens and Rome. Her daughter , Martha Whitten, a talented young singer  will provide a glimpse of the musical culture of these early civilizations with appropriate songs, and Mrs. Harold Cooper, a member of Maine’s Chapter of the American Guild of Organists and a talented musician will serve as Martha’s accompanist.

Mrs. Daniel Lowe and Miss Gilbert Brilliante as hostesses for the afternoon will greet guests. Decorations will be provided by Mrs. John W. Snowe, Mrs. Frank Kember and Mrs. Avard Richan. Mrs. Snowe and Mrs. Kember will pour tea following the program. Miss Eloise Jordan is program chairman.


25 Years Ago: 1999

More than 25 different breeds of purebred dogs from all over the state will be presented at an exhibition on Saturday, April 3, at the Hasty Community Center at Pettingill Park.

The event is sponsored by the Auburn Parks and Recreation Department.

The exhibition will begin at 7 pm and will be free to the public. In addition to breeds that are popular to most folks, several rare breeds will also be shown.

Arnold Woolfe, Auburn, an AKA judge for more than 35 years, will be the master of ceremonies. The history and basic information on each breed will be given and those attending will have an opportunity to examine the dogs up close.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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