Rangeley, ME – The Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust, in partnership with the Town of Rangeley and its residents, is pursuing a certification as a Dark Sky Community. Being a Dark Sky Community means the community values the night sky and seeks to protect it to benefit the community and the natural world. On April 2, RLHT will offer home lighting inventories from 9 AM to 3 PM as part of a campaign to increase the public knowledge of light pollution, its impacts, and how to prevent it. Businesses and homeowners are encouraged to schedule a 45-minute inventory with RLHT staff to assess their outdoor lighting to be night sky friendly. “Choosing dark sky-compliant exterior lights for your house, garage, business structure, or landscaping is easy,” said Linda Dexter, Community Certification Coordinator. “There are several attractive designs, and the pricing is the same as non-compliant lighting.” Most lighting manufacturers have dark sky-compliant fixtures. Hammond Lumber, Rangeley Lakes Builder’s Supply, and other suppliers carry suitable products. In 2023, the Town of Rangeley passed a lighting ordinance as part of the required steps to achieve certification. Rangeley’s lighting ordinance follows the guidelines of DarkSky International, which sets the standards for keeping our sky dark enough to see the stars. Interested in a home inventory? Visit RangeleyEclipse.com to register and see more dark sky events. Review the Rangeley Town Code Section 38.8.2 Lighting at https://bit.ly/towncode.

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