Ron Chadwick requests a cinnamon roll from his cub scout server. SUBMITTED PHOTO

Cub Scout Den 6 Bear Leader Shawn Edwards with Christian Edwards and Grant Gould. Blake Davis, was not in the photo. SUBMITTED PHOTO

LIVERMORE FALLS — There was lots of green to be seen at the George Bunten Post 10 American Legion breakfast, even though it was the day before St. Patrick’s Day. Plates filled with scrambled eggs, stuffed French toast, home fries, bacon and sausage, not to mention homemade cinnamon rolls, were given an extra hand from some boys in blue.. A very helpful Cub Scout den acted as waiters, bussed tables and were just all-around helpful.

Cub Scouts from Pack 585, Den 6 Bears from the Farmington American Legion (Cubmaster Walter Failes) were on hand to wait on people, carry their plates full of goodies, fetch coffee or juice or just get one more cinnamon roll.

Under the watchful eye of Den Leader Shawn Edwards helped his scouts do everything from fetch and carry to disposing of empty plates. Christian Edwards, Blake Davis and Grant Gould were giving service with a smile. Great job, Cub Scouts of Den 6 Bears.

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