June through October; if you drive the Rangeley Lakes National Scenic Byway (RLNSB) on the weekends, stopping into the overlooks, you’ll likely meet a Byway Ambassador. The 52-mile byway winds through over 60,000 acres of conserved public access lands offering scenic beauty and multi-season recreational opportunities, much of it stewarded by RLHT.

The Ambassador program, sponsored by the Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust (RLHT), connects the community to conservation in a unique way. Ambassadors staff the Height of Land, Whip Willow Farm, and Quill Hill Scenic Overlooks during high-volume hours to help visitors make the most of their time in Rangeley.

“Through a brief conversation, the ambassadors recommend to visitors. They recommend trails, shops, restaurants, and experiences. They also explain the landscape and answer questions,” stated Amanda Laliberte, Program Director. “Often, we’re sharing places they didn’t know existed.”

Top 20 Things to Do on the Byway

Cruise the Rangeley Lakes National Scenic Byway to all these remarkable places!

1.     Quill Hill Scenic Overlook


2.     Smalls Falls Scenic Turnout

3.     Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust’s Hiking Trails

4.     Moose Sightseeing on Rt 16 or Rt 17

5.     Coos Canyon

6.     Bigelow Fields Bison Farm

7.     Furbish Brew House & Eats Restaurant


8.     Sarges Pub & Grub

9.     Angel Falls

10.  Outdoor Heritage Museum

11.  Portage Tap House Restaurant

12.  Parkside & Main Restaurant

13.  Bald Mountain


14.  Appalachian Trail

15.  Moose Alley

16.  Maine Forestry Museum

17.  Saddleback Maine

18.  Oquossoc Grocery

19.  Loon Lodge Restaurant

20.  Rangeley Adventure Company

Learn more about experiences along the byway at RangeleyByway.com.

Top 20 Things to Do on the Byway

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