Bridgton-Lake Region Rotary Club members Aaron Hagan and Erin Nelson delivered solar eclipse eye coverings to the three local elementary schools — Stevens Brook, Songo Locks and Crooked River elementary schools.

The students are studying the eclipse as part of their curriculum.

Rotarians will be at the Bridgton Farmers Market on Saturday, April 6, at 166 Harrison Road, with their remaining eye coverings.

On Monday, April 8, a total solar eclipse will occur in North America with a path over Maine. In the Bridgton area, the eclipse will cover over 98% of the sun. On that day, schools in the Lakes Region will be released early to allow students to experience this event.

Many in the area will go to the Magic Lantern, which has invited the community to experience the solar eclipse live streamed via NASA footage on the big screen in Web’s Tavern starting at 1 pm. Around 3:30 p.m. folks will be invited to the lawn out front to view the eclipse for themselves.


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