The Town of Rangeley Board of Selectmen convened for their April 1st, 2024 meeting, addressing a range of items crucial to the community’s governance and future.
Attorney White provided a general overview of the TIF Assistance Application Orientation, leading to an executive session focused on legal consultation. No immediate action was taken, but the Board scheduled a Public Hearing for the Board of Selectmen Credit Enhancement Agreement before the regular Board of Selectmen meeting on April 16th at 5:30 pm.
During the session, meeting minutes from various committees were received and approved, including the Park Commission, Ordinance Committee, and Planning Board. Consent items, including adjustments to the Draft Warrant for FY24-25 and approval of vendor licenses, were addressed and approved.
Jonathan Lewis has been appointed to the Planning Board as an alternate. Additionally, the Board approved Maine’s Paid Family and Medical Leave Law town-required funding and finalized Select Board Bylaws.
In new business, the First Reading of the Tax Acquired Property Policy was approved with recommendations from the Town Manager. Discussion ensued regarding the Vendors License Ordinance, with amendments sent to legal for review.

The Town Manager’s report discussed preparations for the upcoming eclipse, including restrictions around the airport and parking arrangements. Monthly financials were provided, and it was noted that a new interim police chief, Richard E. Caton IV, had been sworn in earlier in the day. He will serve in an administrative capacity only and be part-time, as he will keep his full-time police chief position in the town of Jay. Also, the Town Manager updated the Selectmen that our current Police sergeant has resigned, and his last day is April 5th.
The Board then entered a second Executive Session focused on Labor Negotiations, emerging with their recommendation for the police department budget, including an increase in the police chief’s salary to $100,000. The Town Manager’s recommendation for three patrol officers and one chief was also read into the record.
The meeting adjourned following these deliberations, reflecting the Board’s commitment to addressing community matters efficiently and responsibly.

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