JAY — Voters in Regional School Unit 73 took less than a half-hour Thursday evening to approve all 20 warrant articles for the $24.6 million budget for the coming financial year.

A final vote on the overall budget will be held at polling stations in Jay, Livermore and Livermore Falls on April 23 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

The budget is 6.1% more than the $23.21 million this fiscal year, which ends June 30.

The only article drawing a question from the public regarded authorizing the board of directors to transfer amounts exceeding 5% of the total appropriation for any cost center or among cost centers, provided they don’t exceed the overall school budget.

“It gives us permission, if we are over in one line, to move (funds) from another line as long as we don’t go over the total budget,” Superintendent Scott Albert said.

The article to raise $3.8 million more than what the state recommends be allocated for essential programs and services required a written vote. It passed, 39-1.

At the Feb. 15 board of directors meeting, Albert noted the budget had been reduced $39,241, which lowered the increase initially proposed from 6.3% to 6.1%. Directors voted then to remove $10,000 subsidies for food service and increase the carry-over by $30,000 to offset the reduction.

“We have been very lucky in the five years I have been superintendent,” Albert said after the meeting. “We have had the support of the community.”

The district’s elementary, middle and high schools are in Jay. The primary school is in Livermore.

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