ANDOVER — Kevin Scott has submitted nomination papers to run for the selectboard seat being vacated by Brian Mills. The three-year seat will be decided at a June 19 election.

While one selectboard seat is available now, another will need to be filled in November. Selectboard member Joe Luce will resign from the selectboard on June 30. Because his announcement was five or so days within the required 100 days of an election, the seat will go unfilled through the summer and be decided at the November election.

Fire Chief Jim Adler is running for his current three-year position unopposed. He has been with the department for 21 years and is in his sixth year as chief.

Road Commissioner Mark Farrington is stepping down from his position. There are no applicants for the position.

Melinda Averill is the sole candidate for her current seats as Town Clerk and Tax Collector.

Papers needed to be filed by April 17.



All three selectboard members, Joe Luce, Justin Thacker and Chair Brian Mills, were at an April 15 selectboard meeting

Road Commissioner Farrington said Contractor Steve Swasey had been out to look at E Andover Road. Farrington said all of the town’s road projects should cost $100,000 or less. The Town has the allotted amount on hand and the Board voted to start the job imminently.

Thacker asked what it takes to upgrade from a town road to a state road, specifically East B Road and County Road. He said it may pertain to the amount of traffic. He is awaiting a call back from the Department of Transportation.

Resident David Acampora complained that gravel in the road in front of his house created a hazard. Another vehicle kicked up the rocks and broke the windshield in his truck. He said the dirt in the ditches was creating so much dust that he can’t open the windows in his house. The town should have a sign that says, loose gravel, said Acampora, who added that he believes the gravel is creating a hazardous situation for motorcycles. He said the road commissioner should identify poor roads. “I want the dirt removed from in front of my house.”

Mills said Acampora should come with his neighbors to Town Meeting to request the money to repair the road.


The Board voted unanimously against the Town reimbursing him for the shattered windshield, partly for a precedent it might set. Acampora asked for written acknowledgement from the Town so, “he could move forward.”

Farrington said it was same road material used by the state, reclaimed asphalt, adding “You know the job [as Road Commissioner] is up for grabs.”

After Acampora left, the Board decided to “stay on top of” his several complaints. Mills will draft a response and copy the town attorney. They agreed that maintaining the asphalt in front of his house is nearly impossible.

Propane heater

The Town Hall water heater has been replaced after leaking on the floor. While there, the contractor looked at the rarely used propane heater with a broken line, said Mills. Repair will cost more than replacing the heater with electric units. They tabled a motion to replace the propane heater until next time.

A bid is out to attach six LED dimmable lights to the underside of the Town Common gazebo to illuminate musicians at concerts.  They will post the job and also send it to four local contractors.


Thacker said town departments should turn in their budget requests by May 1 in order to print the Town Meeting warrant in time for June 15.

Planning board member Tim Johnson is proposing the town adopt a land use policy. Voters will decide if they want to adopt the policy at Town Meeting.

They tabled renewing their contract with EcoMaine for recyclables’ disposal.

They voted to remove all the road postings except for Farmer’s Hill Road.





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