Sal the dog, handler Liza Folk and a family attend story time Friday, April 19, at Jay-Niles Memorial Library in North Jay. Rebecca Richard/Livermore Falls Advertiser

JAY — Jay-Niles Memorial Library in North Jay now hosts story time sessions with Sal, a therapy dog from Love on a Leash.

Since last fall Sal and her handler, Liza Folk have regularly visited the library to offer comfort to patrons of all ages.

Love on a Leash is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing an avenue for volunteer teams to engage in meaningful and productive pet therapy. According to the Love on a Leash website,, the volunteer organization offers an accessible certification process for qualified therapy teams, enabling them to provide effective pet therapy in their communities.

Lindsey Hopkins, the children’s librarian at Jay-Niles said, “Sal is a licensed therapy dog with Love on a Leash, who is kept on a leash during her visits at the library. She also wears a “therapy dog” collar.” Sal has a leash and bandana that also indicates she is a therapy dog.

“We include Sal’s visits on our monthly library calendar. When possible, I also give the story time families advanced notice of Sal’s visits if any patrons have allergies or a fear of dogs. However, the feedback has been 100% positive,” Hopkins said. “Sal and Liza have been coming to the Jay-Niles Library once a month since last fall. We are so lucky and thankful to them! Sal and Liza participate in Storytime/Playgroup, and patrons are welcome to read to Sal and enjoy some sweet doggie snuggles.”

Hopkins said Sal’s visits have become a highlight for many families. “Some adults have told me that their child gets particularly excited when they know Sal will be there and talk about it all week in advance of the story time,” she shared.


During the sessions, Sal engages in various activities, from greeting attendees to accepting pets and belly rubs. Sal is a stoic, gentle, kind, and beautiful black Labrador. She effortlessly becomes part of the story time experience, settling down as the children surround her. One little girl spotted Sal walking in and excitedly exclaimed, “She is coming. I have to tell my mom.” A toddler just learning to walk, beamed as he made his way over to Sal.

Folk shed light on the preparation involved before each visit. “As her handler, I brush her, give her top coat a bath, and trim and file her claws before each visit,” she explained. Additionally, as a certified therapy team with Love on a Leash, Folk ensures that Sal adheres to safety protocols, including wearing a designated collar to signify her role as a therapy dog.

Sal reading with handler LIza and one of the children at story time. Courtesy photo/Liza Folk

Folk told the group of children, “It is perfectly fine to make up the words based on the pictures or any story you want to tell. She is not going to judge you; she is going to love the attention.”

Folk said Sal greets each person who wishes to interact with her at the start of the circle time. “She lays down in the circle during songs and stories and accepts pets from children who wish to sit with her,” Folk said. “Once it switches to playtime, she again does a circuit to visit anyone who wishes to engage with her. She lays on the floor and listens to stories. She gladly accepts belly rubs. She does sit/paw for kids who wish to have her do a trick.”

“She gets very excited when she is told it is a therapy dog day. She typically races to the truck,” Folk shared.

Despite Sal’s enthusiasm, she maintains a calm demeanor during sessions especially around children. “She is much calmer when she is at the library. She is happy but calm,” Folk observed.


At the library, Hopkins said Sal’s presence transcends mere companionship; it fosters a sense of warmth and inclusivity among patrons. Hopkins said, “Both staff and visitors love when Sal and Liza come to visit; they brighten our day!”

As Earth Day just took place, Hopkins said the library team will continue to incorporate themes of environmental stewardship into its programming throughout the month. The team read the story Michael Recycle by Ellie Bethel and Alexandra Colombo for the story time and did a dance to a song about Earth Day.

Hopkins further emphasized Sal’s role in fostering a positive atmosphere at the library, stating, “Sal’s visits have become a much-anticipated event for our community. The children light up when they see her, and even the adults enjoy spending time with her during Storytime sessions. She truly brings a special kind of joy to our library.”

Folk shared insights into Sal’s family dynamics, stating, “She lives with me and her son who is a 3-year-old yellow lab. He passed his test, so he can start doing this soon. He must do 10 supervised visits before he is official and can do the event on his own.” Folk said Sal’s affinity for children is palpable, prompting Folk to contemplate involving her son in future visits to nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

“Sal is more inclined and happier to work with the children; her son may be able to work at nursing homes,” Folk said. “He is taller and the patients will be able to reach him to pet.” Folk said when she was caring for a sick family member, it was Sal’s son who came along and became more acclimated to that environment. She said Sal is shorter, and harder to reach. Folk said Sal will decide to lay down when not getting attention, which makes it even harder for a patient to reach her.

Hopkins shared, “It’s incredible to see how Sal brings smiles to everyone’s faces. The joy she spreads is contagious, creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all who visit the library.”

As Sal’s popularity grows, so does the anticipation for her next monthly visit.

Check out the library’s website for the schedule of events at

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