LIVERMORE FALLS — At the Sunday, May 5, First Baptist Church of Livermore Falls service, an over-cast sky on this Sunday morning did not keep those attending the First Baptist Church from cheery greetings and big smiles. Maggie Houlihan played beautiful hymns on the pipe organ to set a happy mood for the Worship Service. Kay Watson opened the Service at 10:30 a.m. as she read some announcements of upcoming events.

Then, she led us in two Praise Songs: “God Will Make A Way” and “Holy Ground”. Pastor Russ Thayer read the Call to Worship from Psalm 119, Verses 105 – 106. He led us into Prayer Time and there were requests for prayers for friends and families, as well as celebration for those who had birthdays, and we recited The Lord’s Prayer. We sang a familiar Hymn: “Thy Word Is A Lamp Unto My Feet”. Pastor Thayer presented the Junior Sermon called “Secret Box”.

Lynn Knight was the spokesperson for the “Mission Moment”. as she talked about “One Great Hour of Sharing” and it’s current theme: “Sharing the Light: In the Midst of War”. Maggie Houlihan and Margaret Emery played “We Are God’s People” as the Offering Plate was passed. The Worship Team shared a rollicking rendition of “Wade In the Water” as Special Music.

Pastor Thayer chose Moses as his Sermon topic. The title of the Sermon is: “Moses – Meeting God Face to Face”. Several times during the life of Moses, God tried to “get his attention” because He had chosen Moses to spread His(God’s) message to people who had no knowledge of God. One time, God spoke to Moses from a burning bush, and amazingly, the bush didn’t get burned!

Certainly, when Moses saw the burning bush, he reacted as most of us would: he was scared at first, then he wanted to know what God wanted him to do, Then he tried to hide his face from God, and God told him to do as He asked. He wanted Moses to lead the Israelites out of the land of Egypt. Moses came up with every excuse he could think of as to why he could not obey God’s demand. Finally, he gave in to God’s command and he was very afraid, and it took a lot of faith, trust in God and time, but he completed the task. How do you and I follow God’s commands.

He wants us to spread His word, about trusting Him to have plans for us to lead our best lives while here on earth and to tell friends, relatives, and, yes, even strangers about God’s love for us. Will we hide our faces and tell God we’re not able, or will we go forth in our small part of the world to tell as many people as we can? How will God get your attention?


Will it be something dramatic… accident, a tragedy, a crisis in our lives or some other life-changing event? Read about Moses and how God got his attention in your Bible. You may find similarities in your responses to a loving God who asks us to trust and serve Him each day we are here on earth!

We sang our last Hymn, “Lead On, O Cloud of Presence” and followed it as we shared the Communion with the Deacons and Pastor Russ. Then we ended the Service as everyone formed a wide circle around the Sanctuary and sang “Bind Us Together” to end the Service.


1. This month, we are collecting canned fruit for the Food Cupboard. In June , we will collect any dry pasta.

2. Adult Sunday School meets each Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m.

3. Bible Study meets each Wednesday at the church at 10 a.m.


4. There will be a special gathering the weekend of May 17, 18, and 19 as we celebrate “Welcome Home Weekend”. We have invited former members and friends who attended FBC in the past. Friday eve (May 17), there will be a Social Gathering to reacquaint with old friends and meet new ones. On Saturday (May 18), there will be a Barbecue, a Puppet show and an evening performance of music. On Sunday (May 19), we will attend the 10:30 a.m. Worship Service and there will be the Baptism of ten new members.

5. If you are interested in walking in the Memorial Day Parade (27) with other members of the church, please see Carol Thayer. The purpose is to carry signs to make the community aware of our Annual Church Festival (June 29) and our Vacation Bible School (date in May 15 article).

6. The next Soap ‘n More Store will be open on Saturday, May 25 from 9 a.m. to noon. A free meal begins at 11 a.m.

7. Our next Hymnsing will happen on Sunday, May 26 at 6 p.m.

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