BETHEL — Incumbent Pat McCartney is being challenged by Ron Savage in a June 11 election face-off for the Bethel select board. Here are their responses to our questions:

Pat McCartney

Why are you seeking the select board nomination? 

I am running for re-election for the Selectboard because I believe I have an understanding of issues that need to be addressed.

What do you think are some important issues facing the Town of Bethel? 

I think some of the more important issues are (not in order of importance): Continuing to work on an outcome for what will become of the Ethel Bisbee lot; Determining how Bethel wishes to address various situations with short term rentals; Exploring the possibility of establishing a requirement of personal property taxes; Addressing finding a resolution for the problems involved with the operation of the Transfer Station; and Assuring the town manager position is filled with a qualified candidate.


What do you hope to accomplish? 

I would like to see that decisions are made on behalf of the betterment of “the town,” with hopes that more townspeople provide input during those processes.

Does Bethel overspend or underspend and, where should reductions/increases be?

Although the budget requirements change yearly, I believe the Selectboard and the Budget Committee work well together to determine reasonable amounts for spending, with ultimately, the voters making the final decisions at the annual town meetings.

Should Bethel charge tipping fees or personal property tax; and have restrictions on short term rentals? Why or why not?  

See reply to question 2


What is your experience with community organizations, and have you held positions in any organizations?

As a former small business owner and member of the Bethel Area Chamber of Commerce, I appreciated the opportunity to meet other business owners through the Business After Hours events sponsored by the Chamber.

What town board positions have you held? 

My involvement with Bethel town government has included: Selectboard member; Planning board member; Ordinance Review Committee member; and Chair of the Marijuana Ordinance Committee

Ron Savage

Why are you seeking the select board nomination?


The Town has a lot of things to deal with including the following: hiring a new town manager, deciding when to do a reevaluation, how to better maintain town employees and the many other everyday decisions to be made.

What do you think are some important issues facing the Town of Bethel?

Town Manager appointment , real estate taxes, daycare for local families, affordable housing, school budgets.

 What do you hope to accomplish?

Help the Town stay as great as it is. I have lived in the area my entire life with the exception of my four years serving in the Air Force. I have always loved Bethel and my entire family has prospered both in family life and with our family businesses. I have time at this point in my life to give back to this great town.

Does Bethel overspend or underspend and, where should reductions/increases be?


I think we overspend to a point and I also think the town is in great shape with the major items such as town owned buildings and equipment as well as roads. We have a great team of employees that work hard to maintain the town assets. We also have a great group of volunteer firefighters and non profit volunteers that do a lot for the townspeople. I want to give a shout out to the group that does an amazing job at the food pantry.

Should Bethel charge tipping fees or personal property tax; and have restrictions on short term rentals? Why or why not?

The Town should not charge a tipping fee. Every person that has ever built a house in town has used the transfer station while building. It is not fair to say now that my house is built we should start charging for the debris. The Town is fortunate to have new construction that adds to the tax base, most houses that are built in town are paying taxes and are not costing the local taxpayers a lot of money. (Full disclosure I am a builder of some of these homes) I have a good feel for the local tax base.

These homes pay more in taxes than they cost the town as most are built on private roads, they don’t usually put kids in the schools and they have private wells and septic so they don’t put a burden on the water and sewer departments. The town should put the contract for the transfer station out to bid to help with the rising costs and not just do a no-bid contract every time the contract is up for renewal. I am researching more on the personal property tax situation.

My initial thoughts are that it’s hard to charge this tax on tools and equipment that people use to make a living as tax was paid when the equipment was purchased. As far as short term rentals, I feel that we should embrace the visitors. As a businessman, I recognize the significant and positive impact  they make to every business in the area.

We don’t have any factories or large employers with the exception of Hancock Lumber and Sunday River. We should realize we are a resort town and be thankful for all we have. Bethel is a great town to visit. Why should we limit the visitors?


What is your experience with community organizations, and have you held positions in any organizations?

I have been on the following town committees:  Budget committee/Assessor board/Ambulance barn committee/ Sign committee. I was also on the Chamber of Commerce Board. I have also helped build the skate park/ walking path/Angevine park and the basketball courts. I am currently serving as a Corporator for Franklin Savings Bank. I have also been a baseball and soccer coach for the local area youth. Finally, I have worked with Mahoosuc Land Trust on a few projects .

What town board positions have you held? see above

Please offer any other information you would like to add?

I would do my best to do what is best for The Town of Bethel with every decision I make if I am elected.

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