Maine is one of the most taxed states in the union. It’s unthinkable — especially since much of the state is rural with limited job opportunities.

Yet the state government continues to grow. Where will it end? I am seeking a legislator who knows the value of a budget, has the wisdom to know what is essential and what is not, and knows the rightful place of government in our lives.

We are an aging state with many living on fixed incomes. Some are having to make tough choices with inflation being what it is.

Rep. Laurel Libby knows the obstacles her constituents are facing, and she has earned my vote. She is for limited government and allowing the free market to do what it does best: innovate. She wants to cut spending so that Mainers can keep more money in their pockets.

I hope people vote for Laurel Libby in November.

Rene Fraser, Minot

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