West Paris Rural Water District is inside Ledgeview on Route 26. Rose Lincoln/Bethel Citizen

WEST PARIS — West Paris resident Toby Whitman said it is calving season and because of the boil water order they are chlorinating the water of all their livestock. “Not knowing what [the contaminated water] will do,” he said.

It is foaling time for their 16 draft horses and lambing time for their lambs. They own oxen and 65-70 sheep with 50 due to lamb. His son’s meat rabbits are very susceptible to any water issues, “so we put vinegar in their water,” said Whitman.

He said he hasn’t heard anything from the Maine Rural Water District other than to keep boiling the water. A representative at the Maine Division of Environmental and Community Health office confirmed the boil water mandate is still in effect as it has been since April 17. On the state’s website the reason for the mandate is, “inadequate protection of finished water in the reservoir from natural elements.”

“For what we pay, it’s a sizeable amount for the farm, I wish the Town would take it over. We already have a fully staffed town office. I don’t know why we don’t take it over … service hasn’t been as good, billing has been messed up.”

“Clearly, whatever we’re doing now is not working … ” said Whitman.

He said anytime the State gets involved things don’t go well. “We don’t have a post office, our school is screwed up… I think the more things you can take care of in your own community [the better] … Everyone has a little sweat in the game so to speak.

“Local is better. If COVID didn’t show us that, I don’t think anything could,” he said.

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