In today’s world, we all know that plastic is building up on our planet Earth in astonishing and unacceptable amounts, with truly dire consequences for all.

With that in mind, we are starting this short column to offer a simple idea now and then that you may consider to help eliminate plastic, one bit at a time.

Of course, the best answer would be to say, “If it’s plastic, I won’t buy it.” That would soon send a message to manufacturers. But it isn’t a real-life solution (at least not yet.)

Here is “Picky Plastic Pointer” #1:

Instead of those large plastic bottles of orange juice, which the labels say are “from concentrate,” buy a carton of O.J. and a can of frozen orange juice. When the carton is empty, wash it out. Using a funnel, and a can of thawed-out frozen juice, make your own orange juice “from concentrate” with three cans of tap water. Voila!

It tastes the same, it costs less, it saves many trucks on the road, and the small can and lid are biodegradable (except for the thin plastic opening strip.) No more large, heavy-duty plastic jugs building up on our planet for centuries.


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