The hummingbirds were at my feeders practically as soon as I put them out – Sunday, May 5. I hope you all enjoyed wonderful Mother’s Day with that special person in your life last Sunday May 12.

My brother came over to my house this weekend while I was at my daughter’s for Mother’s Day and mowed my lawn for the first time this season and I noticed on my way home that those with older homes are taking the winter banking away from their foundations. Soon it will be time to rotor till our gardens and plant flowers and vegetables – got to wait for that last frost in May unless you’re going to cover the seedlings on the questionable nights.

Unfortunately, we mustn’t forget that the black flies and mosquitoes are back – thank heavens for “bug” spray and netted hats to keep them away from your eyes, nose and mouth when you’re working outside.

I checked the West Brook Road just before sending this to the printer and the Road is closed at the end of the field after the Kiem’s driveway, along the West Brook, as the road is washed out.

No longer a short cut to Tumbledown Trails if coming in from the Carthage/Dixfield area on the west side of the lake. One must continue on to the Byron Road and access the trails from there. They have put fresh gravel on that road, so be careful if you have a small car that hasn’t got much road clearance, or you may be walking.

I have reminders of ongoing events here in Weld:


•  Ticket sales for a chance to win a beautifully Handmade Quilt that was donated to the church for the raffle, tickets are available for $5 each from the members of the church or you can call Laurie Pratt

•  Chair Yoga is Mondays at 10 a.m. at multi-purpose room at the Weld Town Office – simple chair exercises, a gentle way to build strength and flexibility

•  Book Binding Basics & Beyond 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. May 18 at the Town Hall. Cost is $70 – 50% deposit, $35, at time of registration and 50% at the start of the workshop, age 14-plus. To register email or text 207-805-4900

•  Line Dancing is at 9 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Town Hall no cost call or text April 704-875-6006

•  Step Aerobics are Thursdays at 10 a.m. at the Town Hall no cost.

I’ve noticed that I don’t hear are the sounds of children “outside” playing – no kids left on my street. Miss that, the sounds of laughter or the click of a ball connecting with a bat and teammates cheering them on. Or, giggling and squealing as they try not to get “tagged”, getting red cheeks from the fresh air and activity.


No School in town, the Elementary School used to be just down the street from my house. But there are no kids within earshot of my property now. The children here all travel to Wilton and Farmington to school – although there are a fair number who are “home schooled” here in town now – there hasn’t been a school in Weld for years.

The last one is now the Skoolhouse Variety store, and the only store in town since the fire that destroyed the 100-year-old General Store in April 2019, five years ago.

Also, I’ve noticed that the younger generation, including my grandchildren, don’t use their “voices” to communicate much anymore. I caught my grandchildren communicating via internet/phone once when they were here – they were sitting right next to one another on the sofa… .

Give your eyes a rest – save your “eyesight” and step away from this convenient device – use it when necessary and in moderation. Communicate with your “voice” when the person you want to speak to is within earshot – it doesn’t wear out, and “see” what’s going on around you.

“Looking and Listening” and “talking” with those in close proximity to you. That’s my complaint/observation for this time – have a good week and remember its bug season – don’t forget to protect yourself from getting eaten alive.

In doing research into who owned the property on the entire length of the Byron Road, except Mountain View Cemetery, I found that it is owned by Webb Lake Woods. Except, the gravel pit on the corner of the Byron Road and West Brook Road which is the only property now accessible from that end.

If you are coming from the West Side Road onto the West Brook Road to access the other end of West Brook Road, due to the wash out, the Chandler property – the old Cola Storer Farm for us “old timers” – on your left is the only property, on the left side of the road that is owned by anyone other than Ring of Mountains (I believe this is affiliated with WLW).

On the right as you enter the West Brook Road before you get to any buildings, is a portion owned by Webb Lake Woods, the Kiem land which has dwellings and access further up after you cross over the bridge, Scott Pratt and behind him the Granville Storer property.

I neglected to get the acreage of the WLW properties – I’ll get it for you next time – it looks like a lot. Maybe I’ll find out how much of Weld Webb Lake Woods and its “subsidiaries” own throughout town.

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