If you can identify where this photo was taken, contact us at bmail@sunjournal.com or call 689-2896 and leave a voicemail with your answer, your name, town, and phone number. Correct entries will be put into a drawing for a $25 gift card courtesy of Hannaford Supermarkets. Find the Mystery Photo online at https://www.sunjournal.com/tag/mystery-photo/

Mystery Photo for May 19, 2024. Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal

Mystery Photo for May 12, 2024. Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal

We had a lot of correct answers for last week’s Mystery Photo of the top of the Hartley Block at 155 Lisbon St. in Lewiston. In a random drawing from all the correct answers, Norm Fecteau of Monmouth was picked as the winner of the $25 Hannaford Supermarket gift card. Lewiston former City Administrator Ed Barrett, who is also a frequent player of the Mystery Photo contest, is quite familiar with the location and wrote this in his entry: “This building opened in May 2019 and consists of 63 apartments and 4,000 square feet of retail space. The former buildings on this property, including Marco’s Restaurant, were lost in a fire in July of 2004. Between then and the start of this project’s construction, the vacant lot at this location was a major eyesore in downtown Lewiston, where a chain-link fence was installed to prevent pedestrians using the sidewalk on Lisbon Street from falling into the below-grade prior basement areas of the structures. To the right in the photo, you can see the fire escape of the Professional Building, which looked rather bereft and lonely standing next to a vacant and overgrown lot after the demolition of the fire-damaged buildings. You can also glimpse a portion of the city’s Centreville Garage to the rear of the new building. The block is named after Marsden Hartley (1877-1943), an American modernist painter born in Lewiston, who thought of himself as “the painter of Maine.” Many of his works feature Maine settings such as Kezar Lake in North Lowell and Mount Katahdin.”

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