LEWISTON — The L&A Veterans Council will hold its annual Memorial Day observance at 10 a.m. Saturday at Veterans Memorial Park where restoration continues from the December 2023 flood.

Jerry DeWitt, chairman of the council, said the ceremony will be slightly shorter than usual because the park remains under repair. No new memorial stones or benches will be unveiled.

Pastor George Sheats will open with a prayer, and the Girl Scouts will sing the national anthem. A wreath will be placed at the main monument in front of the park.

DeWitt said Mayors Jeffrey Harmon of Auburn and Carl Sheline of Lewiston are scheduled to give remarks, while letters will be read from Maine’s Congressional delegation.

Chaplains from area American Legion posts will read the names of veterans who died in the past year. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1603 in Auburn will perform a cannon salute.

Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts will join the Kora Temple’s Legion of Honor — all veterans — as color guards during the ceremony.

James Thibodeau will play “Amazing Grace” on the bagpipes, as well as all the service songs while each service flag is displayed.

DeWitt noted that Cote Crane of Auburn will be at the park Wednesday to remove the jeep and cannon from their pedestals so repairs can continue.

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