LIVERMORE FALLS — Sunday, May 19 service. A bright and cheery atmosphere pervaded FBC this damp Sunday morning. Yesterday, Pastor Russ grilled hamburgers and others provided side dishes for our evening meal, followed by an amusing puppet show and entertainment by several members who sang wonderful songs with accompanists Maggie Houlihan and Margaret Emery.

Kay Watson opened the service as she announced upcoming events and then led the congregation as they sang two Praise Songs: “To Be Like Jesus” and “Where the Spirit of the Lord Is”. Pastor Russ Thayer read the call to worship from Psalm 116, Verses 1 & 2. Since today is Pentecost Sunday, all our hymns are about the Holy Spirit. Pastor Russ led us into prayer time, then we recited The Lord’s Prayer. We sang a familiar hymn, “Sweet, Sweet Spirit”, followed by the Junior Sermon, titled “Secret Box”. As the tithes and offerings were collected, Maggie Houlihan and Margaret Emery played “Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It” on organ and Piano. The Worship Team sang “Baptized in Water” as Special Music.

Before his Sermon, Pastor Russ read scripture from the Book of John, Chapter 14, Verses 21 – 31. The title of the Sermon is: “Holy Spirit Promised”. The Pastor explained to us that “Pentecost” occurs fifty days after the Resurrection of Christ. He had told his Disciples He was going to Heaven to be with His Father. The Disciples were concerned. They had been with Jesus since they had become His “followers” and were afraid they would not know how to conduct their lives if He was not with them every day. He promised them He would send a Holy Spirit to be with them and that Spirit would help them to continue to follow the “straight and narrow” path Jesus had made for them and it would always lead them to truth in the world around them.

Today is a very special Sunday because we welcomed several new members as they were Baptized and several who are returning to church who read their Statements of Faith before the congregation. The entire Service was very joyful for all members and visitors! The Service closed as we sang “Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart” , and, after the Benediction, we sang the first Verse of “It Is Well”. A Potluck Luncheon was enjoyed after the Service in the Vestry.

Announcements: 1. Food Cupboard: This month, we are collecting canned fruit, and in June, we will collect any kind of dry pasta. 2. If you are intersted in walking in the Memorial Day Parade on Monday, the 27th, please see Carol Thayer. 3. Soap ‘n More Store will be open on Saturday, May 25th, 9 am to noon. 4. Next Hymnsing is on Sunday, May 26th, 6 pm. Our Annual Church Festival will take place on June 29th from 10am-2pm. It will feature a Bouncy House, Kid’s Craft Table, Games, Plant Sale, Pie Auction and a Puppet Show.

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