Over a period of 17 weeks of play, teams competed on both Mondays and Tuesday this past winter until the final showdown on May 14th when the top four teams from both days played three rounds for a very exciting playoff series.

Ultimately, Mountain Ops happily won the cash prize and title of grand champs.

The awards banquet held on May 28th had all teams come in for a complimentary banquet so the trophies could be given and more bowling could be enjoyed.

Congratulations to all of the winners!

Grand champions MOUNTAIN OPS Adam O’Neal, Matt Stout, Wilkins Rossignol, Chad Tibbets- with Nancy Bessey awarding the cash prize)

Monday 1st Place winners – SARGES- Hayley White, Christy White, Eric Levine (absent from photo- Michael Moog)

Tuesday 1st place winners SEE YOU NEXT TUESDAY- Ray Searles, Margaret White, Jenn Farmer (absent from photo- Hayley White, Mary Archer, Eric Levine and Jim Dickson)

Monday 1st place winner (missing from group photo) Michael Moog

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