The Town of Rangeley Board of Selectmen meeting was called to order on June 3, 2024, at 6:00 pm. A public hearing on the Solar Moratorium Extension was opened with no public attending. The public hearing was closed. No public was present to speak on a non-agenda item. Parks Commission regular meeting minutes were presented and accepted. The Board of Selectmen meeting minutes from May 20, 2024, were approved. Solar Moratorium Extension was approved. The town is actively working on an alternative energy ordinance in Chapter 38 for the November town meeting.
Presentation of the Town Report with Town Manager Joe Roach reading the dedication to honor Stephen Philbrick and all he did for the community. The dedication acknowledges his love of the Rangeley Region, lifetime achievements and his commitment to service especially concerning the Rangeley Region spanning 39 years. Tyler Philbrick was in attendance representing the family.
The Board moved on to Consent Items and approved the Solar Moratorium Extension. Event Permits approved: Logging Festival (Maine Forestry Museum) pending certificate of liability; July 3rd Festival in the Park (Rangeley Chamber of Commerce) pending park commission approval; RFA Street Dance (Rangeley Friends of the Arts) pending park commission approval; Walk to Bethlehem (Rangeley Friends of the Arts) approved; July 3rd Children’s Day Doll Carriage Parade (Rangeley Rotary, Skowhegan Savings Bank, Rangeley Lakes Chamber of Commerce) pending park commission approval; Annual Duck Drop (Rangeley Health and Wellness); Stars & Stripes 5k Run/Walk and Kids Fun Run (Rangeley Health and Wellness).
The Town Manager was approved to submit a grant application for the 2024 Cops hiring program approval after a discussion around concern timing with Town Meeting and position approval for a third officer. Required to have the position for five (5) years. No penalty if the Town of Rangeley can’t fill that position. Grant allocation is over three (3) years. The Public Works sharing agreement with Dallas Plantation was approved. There was nothing under old business to address. Under new business, the County Tax of $1,220,080 for the fiscal year was supplied for awareness. A note was made that it has gone up. The Selectmen received correspondence from the Red Cross to thank the community for the $1,000 donation on May 14, 2024. It was determined that nothing needed to be Read Into the Record.
Town Manager’s report: Discussion around upcoming meetings and training. Crosswalk from Rangeley Builder supply repair and improvements is being consolidated with aA request for additional handicapped parking space and sidewalk repair by the Baptist Church. RFP was put out for the Gateways Project for the Oquossoc Parking areas and Depot Street Parking. There have been 3 applications for Police Chief, and the application submission period is closed. Interviews are being scheduled. Reviewed additional Town of Rangeley open positions and status. Positions available Fleet Mechanic, Heavy Equipment Operator, Office Assistant/Customer Service Representative, Part-Time Park Attendant, Police Officers. All positions are located on the Town of Rangeley website (Tip: search for “Jobs”).
Detailed discussion around putting in a boat launch sign at Haley Pond by the Gazebo. Selectmen Sam White was approached about putting in a boat launch sign at Haley Pond by the Gazebo and issues with people parking blocking access. Concern was expressed if it was set up for a vehicle to back into the boat launch. Mark Beauregard reminded the selectmen that the gazebo is at the site of the former fire station that was torn down. The town retained ownership of that piece of property to have access to Haley Pond. The direction at that time was for hand-carried watercraft only. The Town Manager was asked to have someone look into where the Maine Gov. website states that there is a public boat launch off Route 4, and they need to clarify where they think this launch is. The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 pm.
Important upcoming dates:
June 11th, 2024, 8 am to 8 pm Annual Town Meeting – Rangeley residents are encouraged to come out and vote at the Town Office. Absentee ballots are available at the Town Office.
June 24, 2024, 6 pm to 8 pm: The public is encouraged to attend and provide input at the Franklin County Strategic Planning Session, which will be held in the Conference Room at Rangeley Town Hall.
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