Readfield History Walkers will enjoy a walking tour of Kents Hill School campus on August 10th in honor of the School’s 200th anniversary. Bearce Hall center and Ricker Hall are pictured here. SUBMITTED PHOTO

READFIELD — The Readfield Historical Society (RHS) annual Wine & Cheese Social will kick off Readfield Heritage Days on Friday, August 9 from 5 – 7 p.m. Guests can tour the RHS museum and meet others with like interests. Refreshments will include wine, sangrias, non-alcoholic beverages, cheeses, and an array of delectable appetizers and sweet treats.

Several books and items of a historical nature will be available for purchase in the RHS gift shop, including those authored by Dale Potter-Clark, who will be available to sign her books and to answer questions. The event is for new and established RHS members. Dues can be paid at the door: $10 annual, $5 for seniors and lifetime dues $100.

On Saturday, August 10 from 10-11:30 a.m. there will be a walking tour of Kents Hill School (KHS) campus in honor of KHS’s 2024 bicentennial. Walkers will learn about the older buildings on campus and some of the main characters who helped establish KHS and taught there in the earliest days. There is no fee, park at the Alfond Athletics Center, 1617 Main Street.

The RHS museum and archives will be open on Thursday, Aug. 8 and Saturday, Aug. 10 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. and every Thursday and Saturday during the same hours until Labor Day weekend. RHS was founded in 1985 to preserve the rich history of Readfield, Maine and its people. FMI about RHS or to make an appointment contact (207) 377-2299 or Visit RHS on Facebook for updates and posts of local historical interest.

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