FARMINGTON — Franklin County commissioners voted Thursday to use $7,734.90 from a dispatch equipment reserve account to pay for a heat pump installed Tuesday at the Regional Communications Center.

County Administrator Amy Bernard said the center recently experienced a cooling issue in the computer server room where temperatures reached about 100 degrees. There was concern the computers wouldn’t work properly. It was determined the more than 10-year-old heat pump had operating issues, she said.

They contacted Dave’s World of Windham, which installed heat pumps at the county Courthouse last year. A new 30,000 BTU unit was ordered and installed.

Jim Desjardins, county IT systems manager, said the server room is now running 60 to 70 degrees.

Commissioners canceled their meeting Tuesday because two of three commissioners could not make the meeting.

Commission Chairman Lance Harvell of Farmington apologized for not being at the meeting Tuesday. He said he had misspoken previously when he said he would be back from Europe on Tuesday. He said he should have said he would be on his way back but would not arrive until evening.


Commissioner Terry Brann of Wilton who also couldn’t make it Tuesday said he had a consultation scheduled. It was the first meeting he has missed in eight years as commissioner.

Because there wasn’t a quorum, no action could be taken.

In other business, commissioners opened bids for snow removal from the Church Street parking lot and County Way, where the Sheriff’s Office and Detention Center are located. Snow removal is also needed for 4.34 miles in West Freeman in Freeman Township.

Parking lot bids for three-year contracts were received from Cousineau Inc. of Wilton for $19,500 for 2024-25; $20,085 for 2o25-26; and $20,688, for 2026-27. E.L. Vining & Son, Inc. of Farmington also submitted a bid for $22,715 for 2024-25; $22,977 for 2025-26; and $23,085 for 2026-27.

For the 4.34 miles in West Freeman, Fenwick Construction, LLC of Kingfield bid $84,125 for each year of the three years. Hayden York, doing business as York Tree Harvesting and Excavation of Strong, bid $66,000 for each of the three years.

Commissioners voted to table the bids to have Bernard do an analysis to make sure they meet specifications.

In other matters, commissioners retroactively approved Calderwood Engineering of Richmond’s application for grant funding through the Maine Infrastructure Adaptation Fund to either rehabilitate or replace a bridge on Reeds Mill Road in Madrid Township. The county hired the engineering firm to give them options on what could be done.

Commissioners also approved Bernard’s clerk report that included Jessica Brown of Farmington being appointed deputy register of deeds on July 8, and hiring Sheri Lopez of Kingfield as the deputy register of probate. Brown replaces Marlene Bradley, who recently retired. Lopez will replace Cheryl Osborne, who will retire in early August.

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