LEWISTON — Safe Voices, the domestic violence and sex trafficking resource center serving Androscoggin, Franklin, and Oxford counties, will honor Augusta resident and Gardiner native J.J. Jackson as one of two awardees at the agency’s Fall Fête and Community Awards on Oct. 24. Jackson will receive the agency’s Shining Star Staff Award for his dedication and leadership in his position as Certified Domestic Violence Intervention Program class facilitator.

In his work with Safe Voices’ CDVIP classes, Jackson works with domestic violence offenders to examine the personal beliefs and behaviors that contributed to their choice to abuse their partner. With a focus on responsibility and accountability, Jackson and other CDVIP facilitators lead class members through exercises aimed at identifying controlling and abusive behaviors, their root cause, and alternatives for the future. The work requires dedication, patience, and a true belief in people’s ability to change. Zach Griffith, CDVIP coordinator at Safe Voices who joined the agency earlier this year, said he saw all of these qualities and more in Jackson even from his early days in his role.

“J.J. was the clear choice to nominate for this award,” Griffith said. “I don’t know how I would have managed transitioning into my role if J.J. hadn’t been part of the crew. Even with his new supervisor running around like a chicken with its head cut off, J.J. kept the program running more smoothly than we could have hoped.”

The Shining Star Staff Award aims to recognize and honor the expertise that Safe Voices staff bring to the work of ending domestic abuse and sex trafficking in Maine, and the agency is honored to present the 2024 award to Jackson.

The Fall Fête is Safe Voices’ annual fundraising gala and awards ceremony. Joining Jackson as an honoree that night will be Good Shepherd Food Bank of Maine, which will be awarded the Kimberley Wilson Community Partner Award.

For more information about the Safe Voices Fall Fête, please contact Grace Kendall at gkendall@safevoices.org or visit bit.ly/tickets_SV for tickets.

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