To the Editor:
Voting [in person] will soon begin. Absentee and early voting has already begun in some jurisdictions. I’d like to take a minute to encourage you to vote.
Many people will say that their vote is only one vote and will not make a difference. Well, here in Maine we know that one flake of snow doesn’t have much impact either. But millions and millions of them together will determine how you’re going to live your day. So be sure to add your vote to the millions of others to help determine how you will live the next four years and beyond.
Many people will say that the candidates are basically all the same and so what’s the point of voting. Well, I’m not sure that’s true, but certainly in this election cycle we have candidates who are very different in experience, ability, temperament, and personal vision of our country. It is important to take time to understand, really understand, those differences and vote for the candidate that will be best suited to lead our government[s].
Many people have said, in past elections, that those elections were “the most important election in our lifetime [or in our history].” Well, in this election I would say that this is certainly true. The outcome of this election will determine not only who occupies political offices but how the government will be transformed for a number of years that could far exceed their terms of office.
Be sure that you are registered to vote. Be sure that you understand the choices to be made. Be sure to take the time to get to the voting booth on November 5th.
Michael Webber
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