NO. LIVERMORE — The congregation was welcomed in by Pastor Bonnie Higgins at 9:30 a.m. to begin the service on Oct. 27. The Call to Worship, Invocation/Lord’s Prayer were recited. The hymns that were sung were “A Mighty Fortress Is Our Lord”, “Love Lifted Me” and “Our God Reigns”. The service ended with “Go Now in Peace”. Linda Lyman is the organist, Janet Diaz is the pianist, and Lew Lyman leads the music for the congregation each week.
The sermon was, “God’s Plan in Jesus Christ” using the scriptures from Hebrews 1:1-4. Pastor Bonnie began by saying that too many times we try to figure out what is happening in our lives, we listen to society in our situations and we feel let down because nothing gets accomplished or finished. Many times, we don’t know the who, what, how, where, and why of our situations. We should know that God has spoken to us and that He has given us directions, ways to sustain us in every situation and will lead us into His truth.
From our scriptures in Hebrews, we learn that we have a God that exists, not only from the creation and before, but even today and eternity. In these scriptures, God has spoken to us right from the beginning through His Word. In John 1:1-2, it even states that the Word was with God right from the beginning.
Throughout the Bible we see God speak in many ways. God spoke to Job out of a whirlwind, Joseph in his dreams, Moses from a burning bush, Joshua through an angel, Samuel in a voice in the night, Elijah in a still, small voice, and to Daniel in a vision to name a few. The most important time God spoke out was accomplished through His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus came so He would communicate God to us.
Scriptures tell us that Jesus is better than all the prophets before Him. These same scriptures tell us that Jesus is the heir to all things, including that He will rule over the new earth in eternity. We also learn that Jesus was part of the creation, right from the beginning. Jesus is the light of the world and has overcome darkness. Jesus’ nature is that of the perfect representation of God. Both God and Jesus are holy, righteous, loving and gracious to name a few attributes. If you want to know God, follow Jesus. Jesus also has power over all things. Nothing in your life is a surprise to Jesus, as He has already made provision for you.
Back in the Old Testament, people would bring a sacrifice to the High Priest to bring to the temple to take away their sins. These sacrifices had to be done yearly. But Jesus took it upon Himself once and for all to sacrifice His life for our sins on a cross so we could repent and follow Jesus through this lifetime right through to eternity with Him.
After Jesus completed God’s mission for Him here at the cross and resurrection, Jesus ascended into the Heavens to sit at the right hand of the throne next to God. Jesus sat down because His work was finished, the mission of salvation for us was completed, Jesus even said it from the cross, when He cried out “It is finished”. Finally, the scriptures tell us that Jesus is not only God in the flesh, He is also superior to the angels.
All of these truths about who Jesus is ought to cause us to fall on our knees before Him and thank Him for creating us, going to the cross so our sins can be forgiven and that He is making a place for us with Him. We should be praising God for His mercy and grace.
We will be collecting canned corn for the Food Pantry in November.
Bible Study is Tuesday at 1 p.m.
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