LIVERMORE FALLS — On this beautiful, chilly Sunday morning, Nov. 3, Maggie Houlihan played several hymns to set the mood for the 10:30 am service. Pastor Russ Thayer greeted and welcomed all and read a few announcements of upcoming events. He then led us into two Praise Songs: “All Hail King Jesus” and “I Will Lift High.” He read from Psalm 24, Verses 7 – 10 as the Call to Worship.

He announced Prayer Time, and there were a number of prayer requests, after which we recited The Lord’s Prayer. We went on to sing a Hymn, “Cleanse Me”, then it was time for the Junior Sermon, “Secret Box”. As the Tithes and Offerings were collected, Maggie and Margaret Emery played the Hymn, “Rise Up, O Church of God” on organ and piano. The Special Music was offered by the Worship Team as they sang, “Come and See”.

The Sermon, titled “Christian Citizenship”, was introduced as Pastor Thayer spoke about being Christians as well as citizens of America. Based on the scripture written in the Book of Titus, all men and women need to be involved in the church they serve and the country, state, community in which they live. We are all responsible for selecting those who govern us as a nation. We need to look for people who are kind, fair, and who are living honest and decent lives, who are setting good examples of their faith in God and who govern with justice.

Today, our country’s political arena has become very negative and they cannot work together in peace and harmony. For several years, candidates for political offices publish negative ads about one another. They use negative, and sometimes, vulgar language in speeches and interviews with the press. As Christians, we are unpopular because we are offended by such displays of disrespect. People who have supported this negative atmosphere laugh at us, shout hateful words at us and call us names.

However, this country was formed with God and Christianity at the center. Christians and the church need to voice their discontent and involve themselves in order to do good works for our country, whether it be in our communities, state or national governments. We need to bring God and Christianity back into focus, and we need to set examples of kindness, peace and justice for future generations.

At the close of the Service, we sang a Hymn, “Standing On the Promises”. We shared Communion and, after the Benediction, we sang “Blest Be the Tie That Binds.”



1. In November, we will collect canned corn for the Food Cupboard, and in December, we will collect peanut

2. The next Soap ‘N More Store will open on Saturday, Nov. 23, from 9 a.m. to noon. A free lunch will be served in the Vestry at 11 a.m.

3. On Nov. 24, after worship, we will share a Thanksgiving Dinner, then those who want to help will go to the Sanctuary to decorate for the Christmas Season.

4. The Worship Team meets each Thursday [except on Thanksgiving] in the Sanctuary at 1 p.m. to rehearse.

5. The Healthy Eating Group meets with Paula Wade each Tuesday at 5 p.m. at church.

6. The Chosen Bible Study Group meets with Pastor Russ each Tuesday eve at 6:15 p.m. at the Parsonage.

7. The Wednesday Bible Study meets at church with Kay Watson at 10 a.m.

8. Christmas Service will be at 10:30 a.m. on Dec. 22, and Christmas Eve Service will take place on Dec. 24 at 6 p.m.

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