Kris Cunningham of Wilton plays Santa Claus, asks nine-year-old Ahleeya Ramos of Jay what she wants for Christmas on Saturday, Dec. 7, at Jay-Niles Memorial Library in Jay. Leo Goddard/Franklin Journal

JAY – Santa came to visit the Jay-Niles Memorial Library on Saturday, Dec. 7. From 10 a.m. to noon, kids could visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus and create some holiday crafts.

From left, Joy Cunningham as Mrs. Claus meets with Taylor Knight and her five-year-old son James Knight on Saturday, Dec. 7, at Jay-Niles Memorial Library in Jay. Leo Goddard/Franklin Journal

Kris and Joy Cunningham of Wilton made their debut as Santa and Mrs. Claus at the event. “It’s a lot of fun, seeing the kids,” said Kris.

Joy shared that she used to work at the library for 18 years. She retired in 2016 and she still sees kids from her time at the library, now all grown up, she said. “I love the people and the kids,” said Joy.

Six-year-old Jaxon Ayotte of Jay, front, colors a Christmas tree decoration while his mom, Sammie Ayotte, looks on on Saturday, Dec. 7, at Jay-Niles Memorial Library in Jay. Leo Goddard/Franklin Journal

Children were first greeted with Santa Claus sitting in his sleigh outside of the library. They could sit with him in his sleigh and tell him what they would like for Christmas. Then inside the library, just around the corner was Mrs. Claus in her rocking chair. Children could hear her read a story. And upstairs were Christmas crafts and cookies.

The Jay-Niles Memorial Library will also be showing The Polar Express on Dec. 19 at 4 p.m.

For more information visit the Jay-Niles Memorial Library Facebook page or website:

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