LIVERMORE FALLS — In spite of chilly, snowy weather, a full congregation attended the 10:30 a.m. service Sunday, Dec. 8. Maggie Houlihan and Margaret Emery played songs of the season as worshipers found their seats. Pastor Russ Thayer welcomed all and Kay Watson read a few announcements and led the congregation as they sang two praise songs: “Come Thou Long Expected Jesus” and “The Word Made Flesh”. Pastor Thayer read from I Chronicles, Chapter 16, Verse 31 as he gave the Call to Worship. Today was the second Sunday of Advent. Tini Eastman lit the Candle of Peace and we sang verse two of “The Advent Song”.

During prayer time, members of the congregation shared concerns and joys, and The Lord’s Prayer was recited. The congregation sang the Christmas hymn, “It Came Upon A Midnight Clear’. Pastor Thayer announced the Junior Sermon, “Secret Box”, and the children took their places at the front of the sanctuary to hear the lesson to be learned. After the sermon, the children went to Sunday School. During the collection of tithes and offerings, Maggie and Margaret played “Jesus, Jesus, Rest Your Head”. Special music was offered by the Worship Team as they sang “All Earth Is Waiting”.

Pastor Thayer titled his sermon, “Confirmation”. Last week, the pastor spoke about a man named Zacharias and his wife, Elizabeth. They were elderly, but God blessed them with a son named John. He went on to spread God’s word about the birth of His son, Jesus, who would come to Earth to save people from sin. When Elizabeth reached her sixth month of pregnancy, a young girl of thirteen was visited by the Angel, Gabriel. Mary was engaged to a man named Joseph who was held in high esteem in his community. Mary had remained a virgin throughout their relationship.

The angel told her that God had chosen her to become pregnant with God’s Son, and she would name Him “Jesus”. He would become a great Savior to save those from sin who would follow Him. Mary wasn’t sure that she understood how this could happen to her, but she was excited to do as God had instructed. She went to visit Elizabeth who assured her she should follow God’s command without question and all would be well.

In our daily lives, we often do not hear God calling us to do as He wants us to do. We often question God and ask for understanding and answers to the question, “why”? If we are true believers, when we hear God calling on us for a specific reason, we should say, “yes, I hear you, God and I will follow”. Just do it and don’t ask “why”.

The Service ended as we sang “Joy to the World” and after the benediction, we sang, “The Lord Whom We Love”.



1. This month, we are collecting peanut butter for the Food Cupboard. In January, we will collect canned soup.

2. The Worship Team rehearses at 9 a.m. each Sunday, and Adult Sunday School meets at 9:30 a.m.

3. On Wednesday, Dec. 11, there will be a Ladies’ Tea and Craft Evening at 5:30 p.m. All ladies are invited.

4. On Saturday, Dec. 14, all are invited to go caroling with Pastor Thayer at 4 p.m. After the caroling, there will be a “Potluck Dessert” at the church and a “Yankee Swap”, with a $15 max on the gift. You may participate in both events, or choose to do only one.

5. The next Soap ‘N More Store will open on Saturday, Dec. 28, from 9 a.m. to noon. A free lunch will be in the vestry at 11 a.m.

6. Christmas Sunday Service will take place at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, Dec. 22. Christmas Eve Service will take place on Tuesday, Dec. 24, at 6 p.m. Come and enjoy the music of Christmas and celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

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