LIVERMORE — At the Dec. 22 North Livermore Baptist Church service, the congregation was welcomed in by Pastor Bonnie Higgins at 9:30 a.m. to begin the service. The Call to Worship sung by the choir, Invocation/Lord’s Prayer were recited. The hymn that was sung was “Angels, From the Realms of Glory”. The Choir sang throughout the morning service as part of the Christmas program. The service ended with “Go Now in Peace”. Linda Lyman is the organist and Lew Lyman leads the music for the congregation each week

The sermon, “The Christmas Announcement” using the scripture from Luke 2:14. Pastor Bonnie started out by saying “Glory to God in the highest” how our lives would be so different if we lived our lives by those words. We were all created to glorify God in our lives, in everything we say, think, and do. People should be able to recognize your faith in God by the way you live. Can they? How different this world would be if we all gave glory to God in all things.

If we gave the glory to God, we would have peace, not just in our hearts but in everything. We were all created for peace with God. Remember the Garden of Eden? Adam and Eve had peace in their lives, they didn’t have to be concerned about anything. God took care of them, and they in turned gave praise and glory to Him. God’s peace gives us peace within ourselves knowing that no matter what, He is in control.

When we live in peace within ourselves, we also have peace with others. Knowing that God is in charge, we should let things go between each of us and let God show us love for each other. We should realize that it isn’t okay for people to walk this earth and not live in peace, they worry too much, they hate to much, they have not found peace. True peace can only be found in Jesus Christ.

In scriptures, it was prophesied of the coming Christ, Jesus said that He was coming to give us a new heart, a heart that was alive to God, so we could glorify and praise Him. Jesus came as a baby, a baby that one day would be King and rule every nation. The night He was born, the angels announce the hope we find in Him.

In Him, the announcement of not only hope, but our redemption, His grace so we can live a life in Him, also His grace for us to overcome death that would glorify Him, and the peace He brings upon our life. Let us remember that the season of our lives that we are living now, is the season that we honor, glorify, praise, and live for God, every day is a season. Let us rejoice in Him!



• Collecting peanut butter for the Food Pantry in Dec.

• No Bible Study until Jan. 14.

• Family Christmas Eve service – Dec. 24 at 4 p.m.

• Pastor Bonnie will be away on vacation from Dec. 29 – Jan. 11, 2025.

• Rev. Dr. Susan Crane will be filling in on Dec. 29, 2024 and Rev. Dr. Al Fletcher will be filling in on Jan. 5, 2025.

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