“All the world’s a stage, and we are mere puppets.” LILLIAN LAKE
Happy New Year! I spent the week of New Year’s Day with the flu—three days of fever and more than that of coughing. The coughing thing is still happening. The number of times I succumb to coughing in a day is lessening. I know it will eventually go away. My energy is coming back. I hope it had a good vacation, but now it’s time to rock and roll and get this year started! I predict that globally, it’s gonna be a wild ride. If we’re starting on a new journey of transformation, there will be surprises for everyone personally and the people they know as we learn that it’s not what people think of us that matters but who we are to ourselves. That takes work, so we must be patient, kind, and here for each other.
I’m pretty good with the kindness part. Sometimes, I do not want to be kind. I want to rant and rave just like the next guy. What stops me is imagining anger is like a bubbling cesspool; imagine it erupting black icky goo that gets all over everything and everyone with unintended consequences. We’re works in progress.
Envisioning how I want things to be has helped me more times than what would make them coincidences. When my son picked us up from the airport, he warned us that going through the Boston tunnel would be a madhouse, so buckle up for the long haul. I sat in the back and envisioned us quickly moving through the tunnel, arriving safely on the other side. We were through the tunnel and at my son’s home in no time. Wasn’t it Shakespeare who said all the world’s a stage, and we are mere players? I’ve learned he was on to something, which means having fun with life. Don’t let it rule you.
I envision a situation going smoothly and quickly for everyone’s highest good. I’ve lost track of how often this has greatly benefited everyone. My husband doesn’t solidly believe in the process but will sometimes say, “Can’t you do that thing that you do?”. LOL. It’s not magic, but it feels magical.
Sometimes, it takes affirming a situation to get through it. I was driving in a sudden snowstorm on Mile Hill Road, New Sharon. The snow was coming down rapidly and thickly, about a 1/4 inch on the steep, winding road. I considered returning to Belgrade and waiting out the storm, but this thought was in place then. “The road is clear, I am perfectly safe.”. I repeated this over and over, realizing it had become a prayer. The following 7 miles went by quickly, and soon, with much relief, I was turning onto Route 4.
I’m not saying we can talk ourselves out of every situation, but believing and affirming can keep us calm, enable time to move more smoothly, and open up opportunities.
We just passed the season of Christmas and we’re already on to the next. Christmas is about believing and affirming. Isn’t it good to keep that idea alive throughout the year?
Happy New Year once again. I appreciate you, dear reader. I wish you a year of abundant goodwill and prosperity.
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