DEAR ABBY: I am a female high school junior with many friends I love and a boyfriend I care for very much. A number of my friends are gay.

One girl, “Belinda,” is a year older than I am. She told me a couple of years ago that she is a lesbian. I have done everything I can to help her and support her. Last year, Belinda shared that she loves me more than as a friend. She would like to take me to the prom this year, and I would like to go with her.

Because I am already involved in a relationship with a boy, should I not be Belinda’s escort? If I go, how do I tell my parents? — LOYAL FRIEND IN OHIO

DEAR LOYAL FRIEND: It’s time you have another talk with Belinda and explain to her that you like her very much as a friend, but not in the same way that she feels about you. Because you are already involved in a relationship, you and your boyfriend could (possibly) attend the prom with Belinda as a threesome — but you should not be her “date.” If this turns out to be the solution to your problem, I’m sure your parents would have no objection to it.

DEAR ABBY: I am a widow. My husband and I enjoyed traveling all the years we were married. Since his death I’ve taken one trip to Florida alone. It was OK, but not the same, of course, without a loved one to share the experience. I really miss going places and seeing things.

My son and his family take lots of mini-weekend trips. I would love to be asked to go along occasionally. I am not sure if they don’t ask me because they can’t afford the extra expense of an additional person, or because they want privacy. I can afford to pay my own way. I don’t know how to let them know I’d love to be included once in a while.


I know there are trips for seniors, but I’m not good at mingling with new people. I have always been family-oriented. The discomfort of traveling with a group of new people would outweigh the fun for me. What do you suggest? — LITTLE BIT LONELY

DEAR LITTLE BIT LONELY: Mention ONCE to your son and his wife that you’d love to be invited to go with them on an occasional mini-weekend getaway — and that you’d be glad to pay your way. They may take you up on it. However, if they don’t, do not bring it up again.

I strongly urge you not to restrict yourself in making new acquaintances. Find new interests now that you are alone. Fight the instinct to isolate yourself. If you don’t want to travel with a group of strangers, ask some of your women friends if they would be interested in traveling with you. There are exciting times ahead for you, but you must be willing to assert some independence and reach out.

DEAR ABBY: How do you respond if you’re dating a much older man and someone asks if he is your father? — THE YOUNGER WOMAN IN VERO BEACH, FLA.

DEAR YOUNGER WOMAN: You just reply, no, he’s someone you’re dating. Say it with good humor and without being defensive. If there is a large age discrepancy, it’s a logical question.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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