BETHEL — At the Aug.17 Bethel Board of Selectmen, the board stated the town had taken an interest in having Bethel provide swimming lessons for its residents. There was some discussion regarding where to get instructors, but the conversation was brief.

Mia Purcell, vice president of Economic Development and Impact for Community Concepts, came and discussed the free Wifi Spots within The Common area and whom they were partnering with to make it happen.

“Community Concepts Finance Corporation is partnering with the Bethel Public Library, Bethel Historical Society, and the Town of Bethel to provide free internet service on the Bethel Common,” said Purcell. “CCFC is purchasing and leasing hotspot equipment to the Library, Town, and Historical Society for three years with a grant from the Northern Border Regional Commission. The Library hotspot has been installed and is providing free internet service on the Common.”

In other news, it was noted that the spread of COVID was in the orange zone in Oxford County. The board decided to not make masks mandatory in public places. However, employers could still enforce mask-wearing in buildings.

Information on the Ethel Bisbee School was given, though no motion was passed. It would cost $65,000-$70,000 to dispose of it. Two years ago, Bethel gave $35,000 to tear it down, so that money is still tied up in it. The first time the Ethel Bisbee School was attempted to be put on the market, the town rejected the idea. The town did put it on the market in 2019, and couldn’t sell it. Now it’s deteriorating. In the end, this will have to be brought up to the town again.

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