GREENWOOD — Speeding through residential streets in Greenwood has become a significant problem and many citizens showed up to the Greenwood Selectman meeting to vocalize their concerns. Oxford County Sheriff Christopher Wainwright attended the meeting via Zoom.

Wainwright said he is trying to get the roads speed tested by the State of Maine to set speed limits. There is a grant for a speed trailer to slow people down. Right now, the Oxford County Sheriff’s office is short-handed, so it can’t get as many people down there as needed. He is trying to hire more deputy’s.

He asked the residents if there were specific areas where people were driving faster. He also suggested that since the pandemic, people are driving faster because they have been cooped up inside.

Greenwood resident Georgia Gould said because of Mt. Abram, there were a lot of bikers and people speeding. She explained with the bike park taking off, and the new trial connecting Bethel to Greenwood, there are more bikes than ever. She also wanted to see more, “25 mph” signs, and for that to be the official speed limit.

Everyone seemed to agree with this speed limit. Town Manager Kim Sparks explained they had requested a speed limit study to the State for Howe Hill Road and the Gore Road. The State called to tell Sparks that Howe Hill Road from the Mt. Abram’s main lodge to West Side Lodge will be 25 mph and the Gore Road will be 35 mph. Once Greenwood receives the official letter from MDOT, they will install the speed limit signs.

Resident Lucille Demello said it was on the weekends that drivers tended to drive fast, because they were going to and from the Beer Garden. It was getting out of hand, she said.


Resident Ed Johnson said there was a blind corner on his street, and he’s seen people go 50-60 miles per hour, and it was just dangerous.

Even Selectman Arnold Jordan chipped in, as a resident of Greenwood, saying there was a dangerous corner on his road, and with the Greenwood St. sign gone, vehicles could go right into the water.

Wainwright said the presence of an officer would be the solution, and he would try and get his deputies in Greenwood.

Sparks said there would be a radar trailer put in.


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