Oxford County Soil and Water Conservation District is scheduled to present an interactive webinar Grow Native: Native Plants and Winter Seeding at 3 p.m. Friday, Nov. 5.

those who attend can learn about the importance of native plants and their value to humanity and wildlife, such as pollinators, and plant their own milkweed to support monarch butterflies.

The district will have 25 planting kits available to reserve, with pots, milkweed seeds, and instructions for overwintering available for pickup beforehand at its South Paris office at 17 Olson Road, Suite 3.

Participants will also receive a list of native plants to help them plan their gardens for next year. They can learn how to sow native seeds now to get a head start on next year’s pollinator food.

A $5 donation is requested to help support the district’s programs and cover the cost of materials, but people can participate without a donation.

The registration deadline is 4 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 3. Late registrations will not guaranteed a spot.

To learn more and register, visit oxfordcountyswcd.org.

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