To the Editor:

We are up against a Goliath in Iberdrola, also known as Avangrid, CMP, NECEC, Clean Energy Matters and Partners with Hydro-Quebec as well as many other organizations too numerous to list. The bombardment of ads that project only half truths or are slanted toward a self-serving end only insult the intelligence of the people of our State.

I have eight (8) reasons why the CMP corridor is a bad deal for Maine.

Franklin and Somerset counties are being clear-cut during a severe drought. I have flown the corridor, taken pictures and videos. The corridor scars the largest tract of undeveloped land east of the Mississippi.

The chemicals that will be used to stunt tree growth will decimate the ecological environment especially the streams, vernal pools and native brook trout. Augusta must come up with the votes to override Governor Mill’s veto to ban aerial spraying.

The potential for a California-style wildfire will increase significantly in the area. It is my opinion that the Jackman Fire Department won’t stand a chance of controlling such a disaster. 4. Fracking the Kennebec at the juncture of Moxie and Cold Streams is a dangerous thing to do and can only cause harm to Maine’s pristine and fragile ground water.


During this time of Maine’s 200th birthday Massachusetts is spending 1 B dollars to receive most of the power despite the fact it had other eco-friendly options. It chose to significantly change Maine’s environmental landscape.

Hydro-Quebec’s energy is not clean. (Ref.: Blue Deserts, Stephen Kaspernack). It is destroying Inuit land, Caribou breeding grounds and harming the planet.

CMP cannot be trusted as shown by past billing issues and being the worst rated utility company in the Country. Even if Mainers and not Wisconsin’s northern clearing are doing the work, most jobs will end in two years and Maine will be stuck with the corridor forever.

In my opinion, Augusta has failed the people of Maine. The illegal lease negotiated by former Governor Paul LePage and amended by Governor Janet Mills should be reason enough to rescind the permit granted to CMP.

The intention of my letter is to implore you to vote yes on one. and save Western Maine’s “diamond in the rough”.

Gary Lachance

Carrabassett Valley

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