Picture a quintessential scene of a New England winter, ice skating on a pond. That’s what we have here in downtown Rangeley.

About 15 years ago a few local people decided they wanted an ice rink on Haley Pond in downtown Rangeley. So began the scraping and flooding of a rink about 30’x60’. From there a warming hut was built, lights for night skating were installed and more improvements came every year. The rink is now managed by a few dedicated folk with Bob Daviau and Peter Christensen clearing and flooding the ice almost daily.

Inside Ecopelagicon are 150 pairs of ice skates, both hockey and figure. Sizes range from a child 6 to adult 12. Hockey sticks and pucks are available for use as well.

Use of the rink and ice skates is FREE. The rink is open to the public everyday and evenings until 10:00 pm. If you need skates be sure to get them during the open hours for Ecopelagicon, located at 7 Pond Street. (Hours: Mon – Sat. 9 – 5, Wed. closed all day, Sun. 10 – 4) Check us out at facebook.com/Rangeley Skating Club for information and our web cam. The club operates by donations from skaters and the Town of Rangeley. Linda at Ecopelagicon is available for more information by phone. (207) 864-2771.

Come join us. It’s like a little bit of Norman Rockwell out there. Enjoy!

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