Justy Nazar, a church volunteer who runs the program. Submitted photo

WILTON — Affordable gifts for youth shopping and giving  to parents and adult loved ones. Saturday, December 11 from 9-11:30 a.m., at St. Luke’s, Wilton. Due to Covid 19, this event will look a bit different to help keep both children and church volunteers safe. Please read the following information:

Masks must be worn by everyone in the building.

1)Please remain in your vehicle. Unfortunately, we will not be able to entertain parents in the church kitchen as in years past.

2)When you pull into the parking lot, an “elf” will give your vehicle driver a number.

3)When your number is called, an elf will take the child(ren) inside to shop. When shopping is done, the children will be escorted back to their vehicle.

4)Only 10 kids will be inside to shop at a time. Each child has 10 minutes to find their gifts. There will be adults to help your child shop if needed.


5)To shorten the time inside and again, to help keep our volunteers safe, we will not be wrapping gifts this year. However, we will provide wrapping supplies (bags, tissue paper, etc) for your child to take home.

Things that haven’t changed: Your child will be able to shop for their adult loved ones and reinforce the spirit of giving! Most gifts are either 25, 50, or 75 cents. There is also a one-dollar table.

The program listed above is not an RSU9 sponsored activity, however this flyer is being distributed in the local schools as a community service. All costs associated with this flyer are paid for by St. Luke’s.

Annual Santa’s Workshop. Affordable gifts for youth shopping and giving to parents and adult loved ones.

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