Portland Public Library and Lewiston Public Library plan to co-host an event with the National Association of Black Storytellers Adopt-A-Teller program.

Karen “Queen Nur” Abdul-Malik will be featured at noon Tuesday, Dec. 21, at the Literary Lunch series. Link: us02web.zoom.us/j/81831774721?pwd=Q3ZZcUpseEJmTytWMjFVakdVcVZIQT09.
In the story, Queen Nur will talk about her love of libraries when she was growing up and will include interactive storytelling celebration that engages social emotional learning competencies. Using children’s folktales found in storybooks, original songs and chants, the audiences participates in call and response stories that impart self-awareness, social awareness, building of relationship skills, responsible decision making and self management. Audiences walk away rhythmically singing, “I take my time and think about it.”
Abdul-Malik is a nationally renowned storyteller and teaching artist. She has performed in venues from the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. to Equity Theater on Broadway, from the National Black Storytelling Festival to the National Storytelling Festival in Jonesboro. She has been the recipient of MidAtlantic Artist as Catalyst Grants for her work with Teens-at-Risk and Women’s Shelters as well as the National Storytelling Brimstone Grant for her innovative community-based programs.

Abdul-Malik received her Masters of Arts in Cultural Sustainability from Goucher College, and a Certificate in Dispute Resolution from Harvard Law School. Queen Nur has recorded 2 CDs. “Sweet Potato Pie and Such,” is an IParenting Media Golden Award Winner. “Live and Storified” for teens and up was recorded at the Walt Whitman Cultural Arts Center in Camden, New Jersey.
Sponsored by the National Association of Black Storytellers, guest teller Karen Abdul-Malik, known on the stage as Queen Nur, will be providing a virtual storytelling program.

For more information, call 207-513-3004, ext. 3509, or visit Visit us at LPLonline.org,

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