To the Editor:

Area towns are collaborating to clean up the roadsides with the annual Green Up Day May 7, starting at 9 a.m. The Woodstock Conservation Commission is serving a lunch at noon at the Bryant Pond ballfield, with food donated from MedCo.

Bethel will meet at Davis Park where Sarah Southham will assign routes to pick up trash. Greenwood will meet at the Greenwood Town Office on the Gore Road where Betsey Foster will assign roads. Woodstock people will meet at the Bryant Pond ballfield, where Jane Chandler will assign routes. And Newry residents will meet at the Newry Town Office to get road assignments.

Conservation commissions will provide garbage bags in each of the towns. Wear bright, visible clothing, bring work gloves, and bring a desire to improve the appearance of each of our towns. Conservation Commissions around Maine traditionally gather on the first Saturday in May to freshen up our roads, showing pride in our home area. Individuals may choose to pick up near their own streets and roads, just let the leader from each town know.

Jane Chandler

Bryant Pond

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