It’s totally bizarre that we are once again fighting over abortion rights. Most people know that the majority of Americans believe abortion should be legal and it has been legal since 1973.

Today’s evangelicals and Trumpian Republicans have views belonging to an earlier time when many women had illegal abortions and many died from them. Interracial marriage was illegal, two men or two women could not marry, and rampant discrimination against people of color was common. (The last has unfortunately not changed very much.)

Evangelicals and Trumpians actually believe that women are inferior to men. These people deeply hate abortion rights because they give women the power to control their lives when they aren’t forced to have babies they can’t afford. Some even think that victims of rapists or incest, including young girls, should be forced to go through any pregnancy that occurs.

Evangelicals and Trumpian Republicans pretend that they care about fetuses and babies, but their actions prove they don’t care. If they cared, birth control would be low-cost and age-appropriate sex education would be provided in all schools.  If they cared, they would support health insurance for everyone, inexpensive child care, early childhood education, help for parents needing education and better jobs. Obviously they should all adopt unwanted foster kids.

Maybe the legions of men who fail to provide for their babies once they’re born should be forced to have vasectomies. Seems fair to me.

If men could get pregnant, without question abortion would be legal.

Ellen Field, New Gloucester

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