Although the Leeds Historical Society is planning no more walks until fall, its history center is scheduled to be open 9-11 a.m. on the second and fourth Saturdays of June, July and August.

People can stop by, see the renovations and learn a little about the history of Leeds.

The society has completed a series of Saturday walks, visiting various areas of Leeds and sharing stories, some recent, some old, about the sites.

The first gathering was in the Keene’s Corner area of town, starting at the Leeds Church of the Nazarene, where attendees learned about the history of this building.

The second spring walk started at the end of the Campbell Road, near the confluence of the Dead and Androscoggin Rivers. The group learned about the early settlers, their dependence on the rivers and the assistance of the Native Americans who had summer campsites at this spot.

The final walk was held in Leeds Center and explored the Fish/Lothrop cemetery, final resting place of a number of the early families in town, complete with an iron-wrought fence.

For more information, call Laura Juraska at 207-524-2324.

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