LIVERMORE FALLS — First Baptist Church of Livermore Falls, June 12 Service: Early Sunday morn, the dawn greeted us with a beautiful sunrise as the fog lifted. As the church began to fill with members and friends, there was much chatter. While the musicians rehearsed the music for the service, others caught up with friends and some speculated about Rev. Thayer’s sermon and what we might learn from him about Jesus.

Maggie Houlihan played beautiful hymns as people entered the sanctuary. Kay King Watson welcomed all to the service and read the announcements. She then led the congregation in the Praise Songs which were: Into My Heart and My Life Is In You, Lord. Kay also spoke to us about One Great Hour of Sharing and all the good the organization does in our world.

Prayer Time included the names of many who are ill or suffer for other reasons. We recited the Lord’s Prayer with Rev. Thayer and sang The Gloria Patri. The first Hymn we sang was Great Is Thy Faithfulness. Special Music, The Lord’s Laid His Hands on Me, was sung by Maggie, Kay & Margaret. Kay read scripture from the book of Matthew 5: 1 – 12.

Rev. Thayer’s Sermon was based on he scripture from the Book of Matthew 5:1-12, which is called the Beatitudes. As it happened, Jesus had been walking through Galilee, teaching to all who would listen. As time went on, large crowds of people began to follow him as he moved through Jerusalem and Judea, thirsty for his teachings. As he moved to the other side of the Jordan River, he saw the large crowd behind him. So, he climbed a mountainside, his disciples followed him, and he began teaching them. This event became known as The Sermon on the Mount, his lesson was The Beatitudes.

As he read through each of the Beatitudes, Rev. Thayer explained the meaning of the word “Blessed” as it applies to Jesus’s teachings. “Blessing” does not mean that life is always going to be happy or easy. Life may be difficult even though you are blessed “Blessed” means you should be filled with joy after you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior; it means we are filled with inner joy to be filled with God’s blessing. We are helpless without God, so, we must trust him and have compassion for others who are ill, who are in mourning for the loss of a loved one or other problems. Each of us needs an “attitude check” and to become a “beam of light ” for Jesus, right here in our small community.

Rev. Thayer taught us a great deal about Christ’s meaning of the Beatitudes. He has a way of helping us to better understand the lessons the Bible can provide, lessons we can apply to our lives every day. He also has a marvelous, musical voice that adds to the singing of hymns. He has promised to sing a solo in August…..we can’t wait!

The final hymn was Blest Are They and the song after the Benediction was He Has Made Me Glad, which we sang with great joy and clapping! All are welcome to join us at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings!

Excitement is growing as we plan for the Summer Festival on July 16. Bring the family!! The next Soap and More Store will be open on June 25, 9 a.m. to noon. The next Hymnsing will take place on June 26 at 7 p.m.

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