The RSU #78 Board of Education met on Wednesday, June 15, 2022. Chair Mary Richards opened by thanking the board for their work over the past year. She encouraged all board members to join her for an ice cream social for the staff on Friday, June 17.

Superintendent Georgia Campbell reported on preliminary title grant allocations for SY2022/2023, as well as ongoing conversations with the Stratton/Eustis school department and opening up school choice. Three high school students from Stratton/Eustis will attend RLRS next year. Transportation has been agreed on and RSU #78 is working with DOT to keep the bus turn around plowed and clear in the winter months. RSU #78 is exploring the COPS grant (Community Oriented Policing Services). It’s a school violence prevention program and partners with the Healthy Community Coalition. Participating schools can apply for funding for things like coordination with law enforcement, training for schools and law enforcement, additional technology, etc. Superintendent Campbell will be attending a School Safety Summit June 21-23.

Principal Laliberte shared that 6th grade released their salmon fry at the end of May. He also shared that high school students participated in a successful volunteer operation at Grasshopper Hill Farm. PE/Health teacher Lindsay Richard coordinated the community service effort. The Spring Concert was last week. It was the first since winter 2019. State testing is complete and a data presentation tentatively scheduled for August. Lastly, there were many emotional farewells this past week: Heidi Deery, Tim Straub, Brittany Russell, Robin George, Doris Mitchell to name a few.

Student Representative Angelica Chavaree-Woodward shared that the Class of 2022 graduated on Saturday, June 11, 2022. The high school had a Fun Day to celebrate the end of the year. 8th grade promotion was on June 15, and high school also had the opportunity to participate in community service projects or hike Bald Mountain.

Committee reports were brief and included updates fromFacilities Committee and Finance Committee.

There were three appointments: Pete St. John for High School English, Simone Martin for Middle School ELA, and Reed Stephens for 5th Grade. There was one resignation: Laura Cope, Special Education Ed Tech

Action items included a vote to approve the computation and declaration of votes from June 14, 2022, which passed unanimously. Other items included motions to approve the outdoor pavilion roof, and two policy revisions. All passed with a unanimous vote.

Lastly, the board entered into three executive sessions. The meeting adjourned at 8:50PM. The board will meet again June 28, 2022 at 6:00PM for an executive session, and the next regular board meeting is scheduled for July 12, 2022.

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