The Freeland Howe Insurance Agency, circa 1900 is one of the stops on the Norway History Walking Tour. Stuart Goodwin purchased the business in 1912. Submitted

NORWAY — If the buildings on Norway’s historic Main Street could talk, they would have great stories to tell!  On Saturday, September 3, history lovers of all ages can hear some of those amazing stories about Norway’s early businesses and their proprietors at the Norway History Walking Tour, a collaboration of the Norway Museum and Historical Society and the First Universalist Church of Norway

Hour-long tours are scheduled at 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m., and 2 p.m. beginning at the First Universalist Church at 429 Main Street.  The guided tours will visit seven locations along Norway’s Main Street.  At each stop, a reenactor, portraying an early business owner will take listeners back in time a hundred years or more to hear the story of the building, the early business, and the business owner’s life.  Three of the reenactors are descendants of the person they are portraying!

The tour’s sites will be the old Advertiser-Democrat, Stone’s Drug Store, Tucker’s Harness Shop, the Freeland Howe/Stuart Goodwin Insurance Agency, the Prince Sisters’ Dry Goods store, the Weary Club and L.M. Longley & Son.

Tickets for the tours are $10 and are available at The Tribune Bookstore, 430 Main Street in Norway.  If necessary, the rain date will be Saturday Sept. 10.

Proceeds from the tours will benefit the Norway Historical Society and the First Universalist Church of Norway.

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