LIVERMORE FALLS — First Baptist Church 9/11/22 service. On this beautiful summer-like morning, we arrived at the church for the morning service. The Worship Team arrived for early rehearsal of special music and hymns for the service. The sanctuary began to fill with parishioners, anxious to learn of the many upcoming events, meetings, baptisms, and, of course, the sermon by Pastor Russ Thayer.

Maggie Houlihan played many beautiful hymns on the pipe organ as people found their ways to their seats. Kay King Watson welcomed the congregation and read the announcements. She led us in singing two Praise Songs: “This Is the Day” and “Seek Ye First”. Pastor Thayer read the Call to Worship from Micah 4: 6 – 8. After the Prayer Time, he led us as we sang the first Hymn: “The Solid Rock”.

After the Offering, the Worship Team sang a rousing version of “Ev’ry Time I Feel the Spirit”, which was enjoyed and applauded by the congregation.

Pastor Thayer, continuing his series of Jesus and his Disciples on the mountain, based his sermon on the Book of Matthew 7: 1 – 6. The sermon was titled: “Sermon on the Mount – “Judging”. It seems that all of us, in one way or another, are judgmental of every person we meet, even if we don’t know that person. Pastor Thayer told us that Jesus taught his Disciples to try to learn about an individual before deciding the nature of that person. We should not judge someone because of their clothing, how they look or their demeanor. We must ask ourselves: “Why does the person appear this way? What has happened in his/her life to cause his/her actions?” None of us are perfect and God will judge us as we judge others. Only God is perfect and He is the only one who can be judgmental. So, what’s the old saying? Treat others as you would like to be treated. Be kind, be thoughtful, be loving, and, rather than judging another, try to help that person by setting a good example of living that is full of love and compassion, trying to understand others who may not know happiness in their lives.

We ended the service singing “How Can We Forgive?” After the Benediction, we sang “Lift Your Voice”.

Upcoming meetings: Brad White in Concert, Wednesday, September 14th at 6:30 p.m., Calvary Hill Baptist Church, Route 2 in Wilton.

First Baptist Church: 1. Sunday School for all ages begins September 25th: Adults meet at 9:45 A.M., Children will meet during the Worship Service, after Prayer Time. 2. Weekly Bible Study begins on Tuesday, September 27th, 10:00 A.M. in the Vestry. 3. The Worship Team rehearses eacn Thursday at 1:00 P.M. 4. The “Ladies Night Out” happens on the first Thursday of each month. 5. Next Sunday, September 18th, is very special: it is BAPTISM SUNDAY during the Worship Service! It will be an uplifting and emotional service for all in attendance! . 6.The next Soap ‘N More Store will take place on Saturday, September 24th, from 9:00 A.M. to Noon. 7. The next Hymnsing will take place on September 25th at 7:00 P.M.

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