Party affiliation:


Social media accounts:

Used car dealer

Bachelor Degree in Social and Criminal Justice

Community Organizations:
Victor Grange in Fairfield; Elks Club, Order of Eastern Star; Walk -a-Thon for Homeless Veterans

Personal information (hobbies, etc.):
My husband and I like to travel and spend time with friends and family.

Family status:
Married, two adult children

Years in the Legislature:


Committee assignments (if elected):
Criminal Justice and Public Safety


Define what “success” would look like if you are elected to serve your district.
Success would be a reduction in the state budget. In the last four years Maine’s budget increased by $1 billion. We need to reduce the tax burden on Maine’s people and small businesses. I believe the people of the State of Maine can decide how to spend their own money better than Augusta’s politicians and bureaucrats. We also need to take care of our elderly and keep them in their homes. We need to take care of our veterans and make sure that no veterans are homeless.

We need to make Maine business friendly again and stop a single individual from having too much power. Maine’s governor should never again be able to shut down the state, permanently closing hundreds of small businesses, and destroying the lives of Mainers, without the Legislature having a say. No individual should die alone because their family has been locked out of the hospital or nursing home. The governor is not an elected king or queen.

Characterize your view on public access to governmental business.
The public should have access to their government. The Maine State House is the people’s house, they pay for it, and the people should never be shut out of the process. The Legislature should meet in person for committees and the public should be able to look their representatives in the eye as they make key decisions that directly impact their lives.

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