100 Years Ago: 1922

Six automobiles are to be brought over the road to Lewiston from Cleveland, Ohio, this week by six Lewiston drivers.

50 Years Ago: 1972

Modeling the latest fall fashions at the card party and style show being presented October 10 at the Lewiston Knights of Columbus Home will be Susan Morin, Renee Arsenault, Vicky Ramsey, Mrs. Nancy Belisle and Mrs. Carole Profenno who will be showing clothing from the B. Peck Co. Others appearing in the style show will be Mrs. Donald Blodgett and Miss Mary Lane.

The theme is Christopher Columbus and he and Queen Isabella will be on hand to greet the guests.

Serving on the ticket committee are Mrs. Henry Gervais, Mrs. Mildred Ey, Mrs. Lois Rousseau, Mrs. Robert Pacios, Mrs. Robert Stewart, Mrs. H.L. Gosselin, Mrs. Arthur Mickalide and Mrs. Charles Sovetsky. Supervising the refreshments are Mrs. Richard Hayes and Mrs. Fern Levesque.


25 Years Ago: 1997

Calf and pig scrambles and a pumpkin decorating contest were highlights for children on the sixth day of Maine’s Blue Ribbon Classic at the Fryeburg Fair.

Twelve 4-H club members ages 14 to 16 entered the scramble for 10 calves. Each contestant was given a piece of rope and instructed to make it into a halter to capture the calves.

Participants were Bradley Briggs of Deerfield, N.H.; Randy Brown, South Paris; Joe Gammon, Limerick; Kim Lavoie, Livermore; Jeremy Litchfield, Buckfield; Danny McAllister, Buckfield; Seth Megee, West Gardiner: Richard Merrill, Brownfield; Scott Oldham, Penacook, NH.; Andrew Pratt, Strong; Bethany Scorch, Rochester, N.H and Chris Scott Tripp, South Paris.

David Hastings served as master of ceremonies and explained the spring calves were purchased by the fair association from farms in South Paris, Buckfield, Hiram, Limerick, Gardiner and Dover, N.H.

Every contestant must be a 4-H club member approved by the county club agents to raise the calves they catch and bring them back next fall to be entered in the 1998 4H Baby Beef Auction.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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