LIVERMORE FALLS — Summer and the “growing season” have come to an end too soon. However, the “growing season” for the First Baptist is returning! After a few weeks of absences because of illnesses, many of us are, once again, within the fold of the church family! Warm greetings and welcomes could be heard as we prepared for the worship service…..what a happy group! And, of course, we could hear the jovial greetings of Pastor Russ Thayer and his wife, Carol, as they entered the Sanctuary and spread cheer throughout those assembled!

Maggie Houlihan played many lively pieces of music on the pipe organ, after which Kay King Watson welcomed all to worship and read the Announcements. T Kay then led us as we sang two Praise Songs: “Give Thanks” and “All Praise to Our Redeeming Lord”.

Pastor Russ used Psalm 107, verses 1 – 9 for the Call to Worship, after which we moved on to Prayer Time. We prayed for those who are still ill with viruses, we prayed for our country, and we welcomed back those who have returned to worship.

The first Hymn was: “God of Grace and God of Glory” followed by the Offertory, during which Maggie Houihan and Margaret Emery played: “Jesus Is Lord of All”. The Worship Team sang a lively renditioin of: “I Will Call Upon the Lord”, as the congregation joined in on the fun!

Scripture from the Book of I Peter, chapter 5, verses 1 – 11 was used by Pastor Russ to bring meaning to his Sermon, titled: “The Prayer of Faith”. Scripture tells the elders of the Church to : “Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers – not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be, not greedy for money, but eager to serve.”

The Sermon: Pastor Russ told us to do just that for God’s sheep/flock. In anticipation of a new Pastor, we should expect the person to become a shepherd for the church family, the flock. However, that person can not do everything. We, the flock, must do our part and shepherd one another. We should be humble, loving and follow the Pastor’s teaching as he/she strives to encourage us, direct us, help us to focus on God, resist evil, guide us and strengthen our faith as we continue on our journey with Christ. In turn, we must do the same with one another as well as our children and new parishoners who join the flock. God wants us to share our faith and welcome all newcomers into the flock.

The last Hymn was: “We’re Marching to Zion”. After the Benediciton, we sang: “Go Ye, Go Ye Into the World”.

Announcements: 1. This month, we are collecting gravy for the Thanksgiving Baskets prepared and distributed by the Food Cupboard. The Food Cupboard is looking for volunteers to work a few hours each month. See or call Martina Eastman, if interested. Food Cupboard hours are: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, open from 2 pm to 4 pm; Tuesday eve, only, from 6 pm to 8 pm. 2. Sunday School for all ages: Adults meet with Elaine Nichols at 9:45 am, and children meet during the Worship Service. 3. Weekly Bible Study meets with Kay King Watson every Tuesday at 10 am in the Vestry. 4. The Worship Team meets every Thursday with Margaret and Maggie in the Sanctuary at 1 pm. 5. “Trunk or Treat” will take place on Monday, October 31, for Halloween fun, starting at 4:30 pm. in the First Baptist Parking Lot. 6. Coffee Hour will resume on November 6, after Worship.

All are welcome to attend and enjoy our lively Worship Services!

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